Category "operating-system"

Semaphore under uCOS-III

I use uCOS-III under Arm Cortex M4 and have the following problem: If OSSemPend() is executed twice within the same task), like timeout = 100; /* 0.1 s */ OSS

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing?

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing ? I read one such answer here. But, it's not clear though. What does it mean by "user threads cannot

Xinu - Setting new priority for a Suspended state process

I have created a process X in Xinu along with other two processes (y, z). The y and z are high priority than X, so they both are running as per scheduling polic

XINU OS - Understanding roundmb function

I am studying XINU OS, and came across this simple one-line function. Is it possible to explain how this function is working and rounding x to nearest block siz

Path.equals behaves different on Windows and Linux

I use the following code to compare two Paths in Java: import java.nio.file.Paths; public class PathTest { public static void main(String args[]) { St

qemu-system-i386: Error loading uncompressed kernel without PVH ELF Note

Im trying to boot my OS to qemu with this code: qemu-system-i386 -kernel MyOS/mykernel.elf But I keep getting this error: qemu-system-i386: Error loading uncom

How to suppress TASKILL output in python os module

I am trying to create a close button for my tkinter application without using the sys module. I implemented this: os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM main.exe") and con

XINU - How can I take control over an interrupt vector

Well, I've met this question a lot in OS, we've implemented this by diff. ways (Inline Assembly with setvect, getvect, etc..) At XINU it's a little bit differe

How to distinguish between different operating system distros in node.js?

In node you have access to process.os() and process.platform, which give you one of 5 values: 'darwin' 'freebsd' 'linux' 'sunos' 'win32' But how do you print

Process starvation test case on XINU

I am trying to produce a test case for demonstrating starvation by xinu's default scheduling policy.: if 2 processes are ready for execution, the one with highe

check if file exists (case-sensitive)

Is there a way to check whether a file exists in NodeJS, with case-sensitivity, even when the underlying file system isn't case sensitive? fs.exists() may or m

Is it possible to create an operating system using Python? [closed]

Is it possible to make a minimalistic operating system using Python? I really don't want to get into low-level code like assembly, so I want t

Diff. between Logical memory and Physical memory

While understanding the concept of Paging in Memory Management, I came through the terms "logical memory" and "physical memory". Can anyone please tell me the d

Port Cbor library to Beaglebone running Xinu

I have a beagle bone black running xinu and a development environment set up in a VM running on virtual box. Up till now I have been able to write Hello world s

Unable to compile XINU source code after adding a new function in assembly language

I have added a file function.S in sys folder in XINU. .text .globl zfunction zfunction: <x86 code> equivalent C code for this function is long