Category "thumbnails"

Wordpress how to get the post thumbnail inside a figure tag

I am running a query loop and want that 'if' the post has a featured image, it needs to be inside a <figure> tag. But the featured image's <img> tag

Add image caption under image thumbnail in WooCommerce single product page

I'm trying to add the image caption under each image thumbnail on WooCommerce single product page. Here you can see where I want the text to be shown (presently

Thumbnail of Blogger Post URL using Blogger API

I have an app that uses Blogger API to show the posts of a blog in a listview. Is there a way in which I can extract the thumbnail of the corresponding post URL

How to increase the visible size of custom-icons of folders and symlinks in Nautilus, the Gnome file manager?

Assume the custom icon is a photo of size e.g. 512 x 512. I'm not talking about zooming in nautilus with Ctrl+mouse wheel, but rather of the size of custom icon

how to make thumbnail image with initials two char from name android?

I want to thumbnail initials with two word for my image view like "Peter Parker" but am able to get only one word "P"while running code how can get second word