Category "optimization"

Why is a conditional move not vulnerable to Branch Prediction Failure?

After reading this post (answer on StackOverflow) (at the optimization section), I was wondering why conditional moves are not vulnerable for Branch Prediction

How to solve two dimensional growth grid problem?

I was doing an assessment for job interview. One of the 3 problems that I had to solve in an hour was finding the maximal value in a grid where you traverse it

Pandas dataframe count values above threshold using groupby - code optimization

I have a large pandas dataframe where I want to count the number of values above a threshold (zero) in each column grouped by the values in one name column. Th

Artificial Bee Colony library [closed]

I'm working on the implementation of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm in optimization of fuzzy c-means clustering. Can anyone provide a link fo

Scala collectFirst with function returning Option[U]

I've had this situation occur a number of times in the library I'm writing, and I'm not particularly satisfied with the solutions I've come up with so far. Let

How to use Flambda with dune in ocaml?

I'm doing a project in which I need to optimize my code as much as I can because it takes hours to run with a normal compilation. I was told to use Flambda, but

Multilayer perceptron in scikit-learn

I am trying to code a multilayer perceptron in scikit learn 0.18dev using MLPClassifier. I have used the solver lbgfs, however it gives me the warning : Converg

Does the <script> tag position in HTML affects performance of the webpage?

If the script tag is above or below the body in a HTML page, does it matter for the performance of a website? And what if used in between like this: <body&

In C is it faster to use the standard library or write your own function?

For example, in <ctype.h> there are functions like isalpha(). I want to know if writing an isalpha function on my own is faster than calling isalpha? Th