Category "optimization"

Solr Optimization job is not deleting logically deleted documnents

I've two questions: I've tried optimization with this following command: curl 'http://hostname:port/solr//update?optimize=true&maxSegments=N&waitSearche

Android custom keyboard suggestions

I am building a custom keyboard for android, the one that atleast supports autocomplete suggestions. To achieve this, I am storing every word that user types (n

Divide a 2D depth image into non-overlapping rectangular areas of similar values

I am trying to segment a 2D depth image into non-overlapping rectangular areas of similar values as shown in the example: In this example, the depth image is s

Nesting where query to run faster in SQLite

I'm trying to run this SQL code in a BI tool and that does not allow any set statement, temp tables or indexing. This query runs for more than 30 mins as this a

How to optimize a regular expression match search in Python

The Program I am building a program that tracks which feature file steps are covered by a step definition. For example, I may have a feature step that is I sho

Would the compiler optimize this for loop?

In C or C++, if the compiler encounters a for loop in which a counter is counting from 0 to n, and n is a variable (not a function call, and NOT A CONSTANT eith

Pytorch Change the learning rate based on number of epochs

When I set the learning rate and find the accuracy cannot increase after training few epochs optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = 1e-4) n_epochs = 1

I am parsing RoboCopy logs from Millions of files, How can I make my code run Faster?

New to StackOverflow, I'll do my best to post correctly :) Hoping someone can help me to get my code running faster. The code is run against RoboCopy Migration

Google PageSpeed - Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources Above the Fold caused from Google Fonts

i'm trying to optimize this website: electronicsportsitalia-it and when i try to analyze it on Google PageSpeed the platforms says that there is a google font b

parcel build static/index.html × Build failed. Error: No transformers found for index.x-handlebars-template

I am trying to build an application with handlebars templating and express server. index.html file has all the handlebar templating within script tags with ment

How to convert the following if conditions to Linear integer programming constraints?

These are the conditions: if(x > 0) { y >= a; z <= b; } It is quite easy to convert the conditions into Linear Programming constraints if x we

Woocommerce optimize images for mobile

I'm trying to improve pagespeed results for my clients. I'm making an eshop with woocommerce and although I get 90-92% for desktop in the mobile I only have 38-

Which is faster php date functions or carbon?

Carbon is simple PHP API extension for DateTime. I want to know that we can use datetime functions using by installing carbon via composer. which is faster ph

How to solve usng temporary;using filesort using MySQL SELET SELECT UNION SELECT

I have this query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT AS id, a.user_id AS user_id, aa.power * a.amount AS total_power, a.group_number A

MongoDB query optimizer keeps choosing the least efficient index for the query

I have a large collection (~20M records) with some moderate documents with ~20 indexed fields. All of those indexes are single field. This collection also has q

Android ProGuard: Most Aggressive Optimizations

Android's official proguard documentation shows two primary optimizations: set minifyEnabled to true use proguard-android-optimize.txt instead of proguard-and

Viewing unused images in Strapi

I have users who add images to a Strapi Media Library. I can't tell if images are actively used or not. I would love to clean out images taking up space that

How to improve Merge Sort speed in python

Yes, it is homework, but I ended up doing it in Java just to get it done, but now the python implementation is bothering me. I'm pretty sure I've implemented it

Fastest Implementation of the Natural Exponential Function Using SSE

I'm looking for an approximation of the natural exponential function operating on SSE element. Namely - __m128 exp( __m128 x ). I have an implementation whic

Can modern x86 implementations store-forward from more than one prior store?

In the case that a load overlaps two earlier stores (and the load is not fully contained in the oldest store), can modern Intel or AMD x86 implementations forwa