Category "path"

PyCharm does not see executables in the PATH

I'm trying to run a browser using the selenium module and the geckodriver executable using PyCharm on a Linux machine. The simplest code to get the error is: fr

Could not find 'minitest' (>= 5.1) among 39 total gem(s)

Situation: I am trying to setup Cocoapods. I'm on OSX 12.2. I have installed Ruby with Homebrew. When I run gem list minitest (5.15.0) is listed. Running pod se

Set multiple PATH Variables in MacOS Big Sur (zsh)

I want to add multiple Path Variables: Dart & Pub (Doesn't work) sdkman (works) homebrew and its installations (Doesn't work) Deno (Doesn't work) Cargo &

How to use data files of sub-directories and perform iterative operation in python

I have my jupyter notebook (python script) in current directory. In current directory, I have two subfolders, namely a and b. In both directories a and b I have

Get list of all possible Paths with a start node and many end nodes C#

I am working on finding/listing critical path and alternate paths of a road navigation data in a C# winforms app. This is the first time I work on a navigation

Having trouble switching python versions using pyenv global command

I have installed pyenv on Mac using homebrew and downloaded the version of Python 3.7.9. Everything works except when I use pyenv global 3.7.9, python3 -V still

Having trouble switching python versions using pyenv global command

I have installed pyenv on Mac using homebrew and downloaded the version of Python 3.7.9. Everything works except when I use pyenv global 3.7.9, python3 -V still

How to pass arguments to program when using variable as path

I'm trying to start a program in a Start-job scriptblock using a variable for the path. Here is the line: $using:plinkdir\plink.exe -telnet $using:ip -P $using:

How do I create full path given index level and corresponding folder name?

In Excel, I have index levels (1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, 2, etc.) and corresponding folder name. I want a function to be take each level and concatenate corresponding

zsh: command not found: celery

Whenever I run celery -A reminders worker -l INFO --detach, I get the following error: zsh: command not found: celery My assumption is that the bug lies in my p

Fixing PATH for Python libraries using Bash

I am attempting to install some Python libraries by executing variations of the following command in Bash: pip install --user -U numpy I installed Python3 usin

System cannot find path even though it exists in paths

Working on a batch file that calls another batch file. K:\Market Risk>call "K:\Market Risk\activate.bat" The system cannot find the path specified. So I s

'Python' is not recognized as an internal or external command Error when trying do run python commands

I am trying to run a python file and I get the error: 'Python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I know ther

How to fix webpack resolve-url-loader not working?

Resolve-url-loader is not resolving images/fonts in my css files. My folder structure is like this: src public images -banner-bg.jpg

Audio file path not dynamic

I need the audio file to played when the app runs and it does this successfully, the only problem is is when I move the application to a different PC, the sound

How to determine what Java Jenkins is using to run and point it to the correct location (Java 11)

I've looked all over for this answer but cannot find it, as most of the answers are how to add JDK to Jenkins for usage within a test. I'm looking for how to en

Intellij Run/Debug Configuration change ../bin/java

Our java sdk include custom bash script for run a java application. Intellij default configuration for java application call this command: JDK_PATH/bin/java -AL

OpenCV-Python Error (-215:Assertion failed) !empty() in function 'cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale'

Consider the following code: import cv2 # define a video capture object vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cv2.

Problem on adressing nested relative directories in server

I want to run some image processing code on a Linux server. The code is located in /q/w/e/r/t The images are located in /abc/d/e/f/g # the images are in the g

Get the handle of the driver using GUID in python

How to call a driver using GUID as their input to get the path and handle of the driver