Category "pde"

Unable to reproduce results for spherical grid in FIPY

I'm trying to reproduce a result from this post (considering fixes provided in answer by jeguyer). But when I try to run the exact same code I receive the follo

Eclipse 2020-06 + JDK 11, errors " Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications.feed

I am developing a RCP Application with JDK11 and Eclipse 2020-06. I have a product file based on features. When I launch the product, I get some errors as below

Setting up boundary conditions to solve PDEs using method of lines

Objective: To add boundary/initial conditions (BCs/ICs) to a system of ODEs I have used the method of lines to convert a system of PDEs into a system of ODEs. T

Problem on solving Partial Differential Equations with Gekko Python

I get a converging solution while trying to solve a Partial Differential Equation attached below. In my code, I want to calculate a volume flow rate over time b

Finite difference method for 3D diffusion/heat equation

I'm trying to use finite differences to solve the diffusion equation in 3D. I think I'm having problems with the main loop. In particular the discrete equation

Problem on Solving a 1D Navier Stokes with Compressible Mass Conservation (Hydraulic Damper)

I would like to solve a 1D Navier equation on a cylindrical imposed tubes(cartesian cordinates). The flow is along y direction, with right chamber having press