Category "performance"

How to improve the code to return the unpaired element

I am practising for an upcoming coding interview and here is one of my practice problems and my progress. How can I improve the program and what is your advice?

How to analyze golang memory?

I wrote a golang program, that uses 1.2GB of memory at runtime. Calling go tool pprof results in a dump with only 323

Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL

I want a random selection of rows in PostgreSQL, I tried this: select * from table where random() < 0.01; But some other recommend this: select * from table

Python string formatting: is '%' more efficient than 'format' function?

I wanted to compare different to build a string in Python from different variables: using + to concatenate (referred to as 'plus') using % using "".join(list) u

AAssetManager_openDir takes long to execute

I have a problem with AAssetManager_openDir method taking long to return. It is not affecting all devices, it looks like it is quite fast on ART devices (only m

Make copy-paste code, triggered by button at different locations, faster

I made a model for our project managers to follow the economy in different projects. A wish for the model was the option to add rows into the matrix I made with

Performance of built-in types : char vs short vs int vs. float vs. double

Seeing Alexandre C's reply in the other topic, I'm curious to know that if there is any performance difference with the built-in types: char vs short vs int vs

Javascript classes vs objects, pros and cons?

In my most recent javascript program (which is mostly for fun and proof-of-concept than anything else) I have a lot of different kinds of objects and of each ki

Does the <script> tag position in HTML affects performance of the webpage?

If the script tag is above or below the body in a HTML page, does it matter for the performance of a website? And what if used in between like this: <body&

Performance cost of 'new' in C#?

In C# what is the performance cost of using the new keyword? I ask specifically in relation to games development, I know in C++ it is a definite no-no to be new

What might cause a performance drop after migrating a WPF project from 3.5 to 4.0?

When I compile my application to target version 4.0 of the framework, UI performance goes straight to hell. For instance, opening an Expander that contains a G

Performance of foreach, array_map with lambda and array_map with static function

What's the performance difference (if there is any) between these three approaches, both used to transform an array to another array? Using foreach Using array

Make first letter of a string upper case (with maximum performance)

I have a DetailsView with a TextBox and I want the input data be saved always with the first letter in capital. Example: "red" --> "Red" "red house" --> "

Performance of Win32 memory mapped files vs. CRT fopen/fread

I need to read (scan) a file sequentially and process its content. File size can be anything from very small (some KB) to very large (some GB). I tried two tec

In C is it faster to use the standard library or write your own function?

For example, in <ctype.h> there are functions like isalpha(). I want to know if writing an isalpha function on my own is faster than calling isalpha? Th

Optimizing Fixed-Point Sqrt

I made what I think is a good fixed-point square root algorithm: template<int64_t M, int64_t P> typename enable_if<M + P == 32, FixedPoint<M, P>

Can hash tables really be O(1)?

It seems to be common knowledge that hash tables can achieve O(1), but that has never made sense to me. Can someone please explain it? Here are two situations

Can hash tables really be O(1)?

It seems to be common knowledge that hash tables can achieve O(1), but that has never made sense to me. Can someone please explain it? Here are two situations

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid