I'm a bit fresh to Laravel. I installed it via composer in the xampp/htdocs file. I installed the latest version 5.6. The install works with no errors, and the
I'm trying to write error handling for one of the endpoints in phalcon. If I set status code to client/server error code(4xx/5xx), then the response returned is
If change Laravel lifetime sessions in .env file it works for all sessions. How can I determine the lifetimes of every session separately?
I'm using "set minimum and maximum allowable product quantities to be added in WooCommerce Cart" to require a minimum and maximum quantity order. Now, i need to
Let's say I have 4 arrays with the same amount of values in each: $array1 = array(0, 7, 5, 0); $array2 = array(2, 6, 10, 0); $array3 = array(4, 8, 15, 10); $arr
my problem : i am using laravel framework php i want validate a field witch my field sometime is File(image) and sometime is String(src of same image) is there
I'm a bit new to using the IMAP Extension in PHP to check for emails. I don't fully understand all the encoding used in emails. I would like to extract plain te
I have installed the php version 5.6 and in order to run my laravel application it is asking to install and enable the mcrypt extension. These are the steps I f
I'm using symfony 3.4 with DoctrineMongoDBBundle and LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle . I'm trying to create a user login which return JWT token. If i specify the u
I am aware there are other subjects with similar questions however their answered didn't solve my problem. I developed a website and temporarily decided to go
I am trying to add functionality to allow a customer to edit options. I have created a Module Vendor/COptions. This is loading custom options and select, howev
When i run Cache::put('max_age','100',60)); Then the error said that file_put_contents(storage/framework/cache/data/8f/87/8f87426f74633c0fa8f717150f13e8fc04
I would like to get the responses of each route (add to cart, update cart and delete cart) already applied to the promotion. What I face now is it only response
I really need your help who works with XML and PHP. Looked for many other questions, but still nothing was found about my situation when in xml there is deeper
I wanted to back up my database. I am using Xampp MySql. The username is root and the password is not set. I run the command using Command Prompt but it shows n
I know there some questions like this, but they didn't answer questions exactly. This is what I need, Upload files using Dropzone Save form data and uploaded im
I have this code: public function method(){ //... if(!$exist) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Ce client inexistant', 400); } } I do the UT
I have an issue when I clicked the button and submit the data from the form.it gets directly to the white screen and nothing happen I checked the database it do
Before asking question on SO, I searched a lot about what I needed to make a ajax request with WordPress. All my code and the request is working, but is not doi
I have some problem when I want to return a value from api, when I use dd() function it will show the result. But when I use return, it doesn't show the result