Category "pie-chart"

How to customise the color of leader line (line that connects graph and label) in a pie chart (Amcharts v4)

I made a pie chart using amcharts v4. The background color of the div containing the pie chart is a dark color and the leader line (the line that connects the g

Create a function that will accept a DataFrame as input and return pie-charts for all the appropriate Categorical features

I can create 1 pie-chart using the 'Churn' column to group the data, however, not sure how to create a function that will accept a DataFrame as input and return

How to set percentage value below Label in Pie chart

I want to place Percentage value(0.92) below, Label(EUR) in Pie chart. As shown below picture example. I using MPAndroidChart, in which its showing as below

How to set percentage value below Label in Pie chart

I want to place Percentage value(0.92) below, Label(EUR) in Pie chart. As shown below picture example. I using MPAndroidChart, in which its showing as below

Make pie chart smaller Chart JS

I have a Pie chart on my sharepoint Page that will not shrink. The smaller I make the px the bigger the chart gets. For example: <canvas id="myChart2" width

How to change position in MPAndroidChart PieChart color indicator

I am working on MPAndroidChart and I want to change position of PieChart color indicator. <com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.PieChart android:id="@+id

Highcharter - Clickable Pie Chart - How to get the category name from the slice clicked on a Pie Chart in Shiny?

I'm trying to click on a category in a pie chart built with highcharts and use the category to filter data in a line chart in R shiny app.