Category "pinia"

Vue3 | Pinia - Watching storeToRefs in composable function does not work

I'm trying to understand the purpose of composables. I have a simple composable like this and was trying to watch state from a Pinia store where the watch does

How to implement loginRedirect using vuejs and azureb2c and msal.js

I'm trying to implement an SSO using Azure b2c and Vuejs and MSAL, but I'm getting some issues. msalConfig: { auth: { clientId: "******dd03",

What is the proper way to pass a reactive pinia state as axios params?

I am trying to use two pinia stores for my axios params but when I send the axios request, the state is sent as a whole proxy object. stores/product-filter.js i

Add new root base definition for Pinia

I have added axios to my Pinia store in a Quasar's boot file export default boot(async ({ app, store, ssrContext, router }) => { const api = axios.create({

Pinia w/ Vue3: Using Actions in template returns funcName is not a function

Using a Pinia action from within the template in Vue3 gives Uncaught TypeError: $setup.[storeName].[actionName] is not a function Am I doing something wrong o

how to call actions from pinia store?

How I can call action from pinia store in vue 3 component? I use composition API. For example, I would like to import 'openLessonCard' - it is action in pinia s

Vue Pinia function is undefined in onMounted when unit test is ran

I have a component and a Pinia store which contains a state and some actions. The code works perfectly fine in browser and in E2E (cypress) tests, but fail on u

How to pass an argument to Pinia store?

I'm making a session API call in main.js and using values from the response as the initial value for my root store. In vuex it's handled this like, DataService.

Nuxt3 + Pinia + VueUse -> useStorage() not working

Setup: I'm using Nuxt3 + Pinia + VueUse. Goal: I want to save a state of a pinia store to localstorage via VueUse: useStorage. Problem: For some reason no item

How can I modify the value of state in pinia in vue3 component test and affect the component?

Using vue-test-utils to test the component using pinia, I need to modify the value of the state stored in pinia, but I have tried many methods to no avail. The

How to set the type for the state object in pinia?

I'm making a chess game and I am using Vue 3 and TypeScript with Pinia for the state management. I want to do something like the following: export const useStor