I am fairly new to coding and especially to C++ but usually with enough googling and breaking problems down to simpler blocks I can figure things out. This issu
I am a beginner in python and just started learning it since yesterday and I am facing this below error: Installing “[email protected]”
I have several micro controller projects for home automation. Each of my nodes have a version number which is manually set in the code. This version number is r
I was wondering if anybody managed to set the SDKConfig.h file for the ESP32 when using platform.io to upload code, and if so how it is done. Thanks in advance
I am trying to build my code for Nucleo STM32F042k6 with PlatformIO firmware Mbed but i get the following error: .pio\build\nucleo_f042k6\STM32F042X6.ld.link_s