Category "plot"

Plot multiple columns side by side

I have the dataframe below. 111_a 111_b 222_a 222_b 333_a 333_b row_1 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.5 1.0 2.5 row_2 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.5 1.0

In R - How do I plot the data from the row where the date=='"2020 Q1' to the last row of the dataframe?

example of the data: Date Inflation 2020 Q1 2 2020 Q2 2.1 2020 Q3 2 2020 Q4 2.1 I am using ggplot ggplot(CPI,aes(x=date,y=inflation,group=1))+geom_line() but

How to plot the accuracy and and loss from this Keras CNN model? [duplicate]

The code below is for my CNN model and I want to plot the accuracy and loss for it, any help would be much appreciated. I want the output to

Linear graphics

I have a dataset in this way: maximum <- c(10) #for each time minim <- c(2) #for each time Quantity c(4, 2, 10, 2, 10, 6, 2) How can I structure my datas

How to plot skew network data?

Using plot.igraph(), I have created a network graph using the following code: V(g)$color <- "orange" V(g)[name %in% data.set[[1]] ]$color <- "lightblue"

Create multiplot with map and scatter

I am trying to create multiplot that contains a map (using geom_sf) and a graph next to each other. I tried to use GGpubr::ggarrange and cowplot::plot_grid for

Is there is an equivalent of R's GGally::ggpairs function in python?

GGally::ggpairs function provides support for both numeric and categorical datatypes, making it possible to see the interactions between all variables in one pl

Python Cartesian plane plot and line

I want to create a cartesian plane in python that looks similar to the attached image, where I have 2 sets of coordinates e.g. (7,7) (17.4,20), and a line going

Force y axis to start at 0 and still use automated labeling

I have a plot whose y min starts well above 0. But I want to include 0 as the min of the y-axis and still have Stata automatically create evenly-spaced y-axis l

Drawing a surface 3D plot using "plotnine" library

Question : Using the python library 'plotnine', can we draw an interactive 3D surface plot? Backup Explanations What I'd like to do is, under python environme

Plot distribution of pandas dataframe depending on target value

I want to visualize the grade depending on the sex (male/female). My dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame( { "key": ["K0", "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4", "K5", "K6", "K7", "

No module named 'enthought' issue

I am having problems with plotting a 3D array called 's'. This issue is due to an error telling me that no module named enthought exists although I have already

Altair: Customizing outliers in boxplots

Is there any way to customize the outlier points in an Altair boxplot? Suppose I had the following plot: penguins_data="

R stops responding when trying to plot

When trying to draw any plot R just stops responding. plot(1:10) The result is not responding. I am using MacBook M1 pro. It was working perfectly. Just sudden

Python single plot in a for loop without creating a list or array

This may sound like a very naive question. However, to me, it's quite fundamental: Can python plot variables without putting them into arrays or lists? I couldn

Arranging bars in multi-panel Lollipop chart using ggplot2

I am trying to plot a multi-panel Lollipop chart using ggplot2 using the following code #Data df =structure(list(Indices = c("Time", "Z11", "Z51", "Z61", "Z161"

Is there a way to customize the feature order in a SHAP beeswarm plot?

I'm wondering if there's a way to change the order the features in a SHAP beeswarm plot are displayed in. The docs describe "transforms" like using shap_values.

Graph network visualisation in flutter?

I'm a newbie in flutter. Would anybody have an idea of how to plot a graph network in flutter? An example using d3js is below. I'm interested in a solution t

Plot Layout of Base R Plots Saved by recordPlot() Function

I can use the recordPlot() function to save Base R plots in data objects: plot(1:5, 1:5) my_plot1 <- recordPlot() plot(1:10, 1:10) my_plot2 <- recordPlot

How to plot a 2 dimensional density / heatmap in plotnine?

I am trying to recreate the following graph in plotnine. It's asking me for more details but I don't want to distract from the example. I think it's pretty obvi