Category "plot"

Plot 2d array using matplotlib based on fixed value-based color regions

I'd like to plot a 2d array using matplotlib based on fixed value-based color regions. For example, fixed color regions are 0 < value < 5 = red, 5 < va

How to add_subplot figure generated from external function with matplotlib

Currently, I have THREE function to create the graphic, namely get_image_1, get_image_2, and get_image_3 as shown in the function below. def get_image_1():

Custom features in beeswarm plot of shap

I have a causal inference model with featurizer=PolynomialFeatures(degree=3) which includes a degree 3 polynomial in X variable. I get the plot for interpretab

How to visualize a graph data structure?

I'm looking for a way to plot or visualize a graph made in Erlang using the digraph module. In the manual pages I can't find any function for doing this. How do

How to connect grouped points in ggplot within groups?

I have a dataset with two groups - Experimental and Control. Each participant contributes two responses per group, which represent different learning styles. Th

How can I get the order of plots correct in an rmd? [How can I control the print-time of messages?]

As the minimal reproducible example below shows, plot 2 appears too late. How can I fix this? It seems, the message screws everthing up. Most likely related: th

matplotlib Axes.plot() vs pyplot.plot()

What is the difference between the Axes.plot() and pyplot.plot() methods? Does one use another as a subroutine? It seems that my options for plotting are line =

Plot polygons with buffer of some radius using folium not working properly

I am trying plot the intersection between a buffer circle and the mesh blocks (or boundaries) within that circle of some radius (in this case, 80 km). I got the

Plot polygons with buffer of some radius using folium not working properly

I am trying plot the intersection between a buffer circle and the mesh blocks (or boundaries) within that circle of some radius (in this case, 80 km). I got the

Using a matrix plot (matplot) as map and positions as locations

I'm interested in using a matrix plot as a field map and certain locations in matrix as specific plants (locations within field). I'm using this data: Field<

Calculating Matplotlib Text Rotation [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out how to rotate text in matplotlib to align to a curve in a plot, but I haven't figured what transformations give the p

Matplotlib and Pandas Plotting amount of numbers in certain range

I have pandas Dataframe that looks like this: I am asking to create this kind of plot for every year [1...10] with the Score range of [1...10]. This means that

R change title size in legend

I use the R base command "legend" to add a legend to a plot and I want the title of this legend to be bigger. In the help it says: cex: character expansion

SHAP function throws exception in plotting method The sample zipped folder contains: model.pkl x_test.csv To reproduce the problems, do the following steps: use lin2 =joblib.load('model.pkl') to loa

SHAP function throws exception in plotting method The sample zipped folder contains: model.pkl x_test.csv To reproduce the problems, do the following steps: use lin2 =joblib.load('model.pkl') to loa

Plotting file rows as a function of first row in sequence with gnuplot

I am trying to animate the time evolution of the probability density of a wave-function of a system (1D), and already created a file with the amplitude of each

R plotly - Plotting grouped lines

I am migrating over from ggplot2 to plotly, in order to take advantage of the interactive features they offer. I do realize that the plotly library has a ggplo

Plot on the next slide

I am preparing some slides in RMarkdown, and I need to plot the code on one slide and the plot on the next one, so I frequently find myself doing something on t

Power BI: Plot not showing complete data

I am using a ribbon chart to visualise total sales over 3 years, using Product ID as legend. Then in another bar graph I plotted total sales by Product ID. What

Setting plot background colour in Seaborn

I am using Seaborn to plot some data in Pandas. I am making some very large plots (factorplots). To see them, I am using some visualisation facilities at my u