Category "plotly-python"

Dash DatePickerRange with Graph

I am trying to connect a graph to a DatePickerRange. However, i keep running into a problem, when trying to connect the graph and date picker. I have the follow

Datepicker range Plotly-Dash - Make user unable to include disabled dates in the date range

I am using the datepickerrange component in plotly dash, and i am trying to make it so that whenever a starting date is selected, it will not be possible to inc

How can I strech an axis of a plotly plot?

See the image in the link for reference: 1 Even though the figure is pretty wide, the plot itself is way to small. Adjusting the figure size however doesn't imp

Use Python plotly chart in PHP

I have created a pie graph with Python plotly library fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=data["x"], values=data['value'])]) fig = dcc.Graph(id='pie_graph', fi

Is there any way to display Plotly Express Graph in React App

Plotly Express provides very easy functions to draw customizable scatter plots, since I did not get any help regarding this question from over a week -> ques

python-plotly-multiple y-axis: How to turn off grid on both subplots?

I am new to python and am enjoying the debugging help that stack overflow community provides. In the following code I am able to remove y-axis grid for top subp

Plotly plot histogram and line chart on same figure

Hello I am trying to plot a histogram and a line chart on the same figure to create a MACD chart. However the histogram data needs to be scaled down so it doesn

Keep plotly updatemenu button active when changing plot range dynamically in Dash

I need some advice concerning the updatemenu buttons in plotly. I am dynamically changing the plot range of a graph and I trigger different traces with the upda

Is there a way to prevent the legend on plotly from moving up into the chart when its orientation is horizontal?

Context I am currently in the middle of creating a data visualisation web app. I am using Plotly to create a timeseries. I am having trouble with the legend. I

How to switch direction of axis in 3D scatterplot plotly?

I plotted the following using plotly and got the resulting plot shown before. X is the # of hours in a day, Y is a proportion between 0-1, and Z is a categorica

Error message when attempting launch plotly dash

I checked the errors and looked up everything I could try to fix the issue in every way I could. This is the error I'm getting: Can someone please tell me what

Plotly update customdata with dropdown button

I have a quick question: basically I have created a plot with some hover information and I have a dropdown button, where the user can chose from which dataframe

Plotly: How to define colors in a figure using Plotly Graph Objects and Plotly Express?

There are many questions and answers that touch upon this topic one way or another. With this contribution I'd like to clearly show why an easy approch such as

Change order of categorical bars in Plotly parallel categories

I am trying to visualize changes in gene expression as categorical variables (up, down, no change) over various timepoints. I have a dataframe describing differ

Control a Plotly line color according to its value?

I'm creating a dashboard in which I would like to compare the difference of price between two regions directly. If the price of region 1 is higher, y is POSITIV

Plotly: How to highlight weekends without looping through the dataset?

I am trying to plot three different timeseries dataframes (each around 60000 records) using plotly, while highlighting weekends (and workhours) with a different

Plotly: Range slider not being displayed for row count > 500

As is visible from the image, the scaffolding for the rangeslider is generated but the trace inside it is not. It is also fully functional otherwise. With some