Category "polymorphism"

Covariant return type on Eigen Matrix for base class method

Suppose that I have two different solvers that both will be called at run time. I want to call solvers' api and get resulted Eigen matrix through the base class

Laravel Polymorphism for different content types (Multisite)

I started to develop a little Content Management System for two languages (de, en) that starts to grow bigger. In that context, I have Posts and Pages (a bit li

In OCaml, what is the difference between `'a.` and `type a.` and when to use each?

OCaml has several different syntaxes for a polymorphic type annotation : let f : 'a -> 'a = … (* Isn’t this one already polymorphic? (an

Virtual Method not calling derived class method (only calling base class) C++

My base class detect() and collect() methods are the only ones being called. I'm trying to get the derived class methods of these to be printed instead. I belie

MongoDb Java- deeper polymorph tree

I have the following polymorphic structure for objects I want to store in MongoDb: InventoryItem (abstract) / \

MessagePack subtype serialization

Serialization/deserialization turns a collection of a base type with child-type items in it into a collection with base type items only. Is there a way to set u

LateBinding with dynamic memory

I have Base and Derive class at the below which related to polymorphism (Latebinding) : class Base { .... }; class Derive:public Base { .... }; int main() {

Saving a Child class instance in a parent type variable and using the Child's functions through parent variable?

I have two classes called Bird and Eagle. The Eagle is inherits from the bird. Now, I can use the Bird Class to store an eagle type instance. However, when i tr