Suppose that I have two different solvers that both will be called at run time. I want to call solvers' api and get resulted Eigen matrix through the base class
I started to develop a little Content Management System for two languages (de, en) that starts to grow bigger. In that context, I have Posts and Pages (a bit li
OCaml has several different syntaxes for a polymorphic type annotation : let f : 'a -> 'a = … (* Isn’t this one already polymorphic? (an
My base class detect() and collect() methods are the only ones being called. I'm trying to get the derived class methods of these to be printed instead. I belie
I have the following polymorphic structure for objects I want to store in MongoDb: InventoryItem (abstract) / \
Serialization/deserialization turns a collection of a base type with child-type items in it into a collection with base type items only. Is there a way to set u
I have Base and Derive class at the below which related to polymorphism (Latebinding) : class Base { .... }; class Derive:public Base { .... }; int main() {
I have two classes called Bird and Eagle. The Eagle is inherits from the bird. Now, I can use the Bird Class to store an eagle type instance. However, when i tr