Category "popup"

DevExtreme components dxo-popup

Im using DevExtreme DXO-editing with the mode = popup, and popup dxo-popup, the popup is loading, data is getting binded, i have some custom dropdowns so had to

How to enable pop-up iframe work on same page in react nextjs app

I have a pop-up that works very well in my vanilla Html app properly, that is, when the button is clicked, it opens the pop-up and everything works fine. The is

Connecting data to the marker in folium

so I wanted to link up the data table that I have with the marker present on the map. I used folium to create a map with markers and pop-ups. For example, if I

R: Display "popup" information when mouse hovers over (graph) visnetwork

I simulated some data and created a graph network in R using visnetwork: library(igraph) library(dplyr) library(visNetwork) #create file from which to sample f

Style a Mapbox Popup's Pointer/Indicator

I am styling some popups for a map displayed through Mapbox using Mapbox's GL JS. However, I cannot find in their documentation regarding the classes that are a

How could I edit the information on popup window in NetSuite?

How could I edit the information on popup window in NetSuite ? Like this photo, I wanna to show some other information in this popup window . enter image descri

Implement sound in sweetalert popup

English is not my mother tongue, please excuse any errors on my part. Is it possible to implement an audio file in swalfire popup. I would have an notification/

Automatically view IPython console in Spyder

I am using Python 3.8 in Spyder. The graphics backend of the IPython console is set to 'automatic'. When I call the IPython Console with a Python algorithm, the

How to show a popup modal in codeIgniter?

I have written a javascript click function to a class to display a popup when the relevant class be clicked. When i just put an alert it gives me the correct ou

Bootstrap Modal close button issue after print action

I am working on bootstrap modal. I had a set of gallery images. A modal popup is opened on clicking the image. The popup has two buttons one for print the modal

Leaflet Control Search: open Popup for search result

I'm using the wonderful plugin Leaflet.Control.Search in order to search for markers (from a geoJson marker group) on my map – which works great. I only

Open a popup box after receiving result from ajax

i have a ajax code that works properly and gives the desired result. I want to modify this code and want that when a reply is received from ajax a popup/modal b

Close popup window

I have a popup window which is opened using this code: function _openpageview(fieldid,objectid,opennew) { var url='/s_viewpagefield.jsp?fieldid='+fieldid+'&

How can pysimplegui give a popup message if the script has crashed?

I'm setting up a program using the pysimplegui Interface. The program is based on user input. If the input is in a wrong format, or misspelled, the script wil

WPF Popup steals focus from owner

We have a WPF popup that is working perfectly except that when it opens it takes the focus from the window that triggered it which has a jarring effect as the c