Category "primeng"

Disable PrimeNG Calendar month selection in Typescript

I am using PrimeNg Calendar in my angular 7 project, wanted to disable month navigator on some conditions at the component level. Ex: Current Month is February

Grid lines are not showing primeng table

Created a table grid using and sometimes the vertical or horizontal lines are not showing up. When I change the zoom percentage or refresh the page or scroll t

PrimeNg Calendar: Default time for selecting start date with time - should be start of day time that is 00:00:00

I am using PrimeNg calendar widget with 2 fields that is startDate and endDate. Currently when selecting startDate, It is showing the selected date with curren

Problems to represent a Tree using PrimeNG

I have a question about representing a tree with PrimeNG. I would like to test the representation of the tree before filling it with data from a JSON file. So I

required attribute not working with primeng <p-dropdown>

I am working on a angular2 App and I am using primeng for UI elements. I have dropdowns where I am using the options in these dropdowns are dynamically generat

How to call angular function when click p-dialog close(X) button?

How to call angular function when click p-dialog close(X) button? I have searched and just tried this (onHide)="cancel()" . But it's not working. Kindly sha

PrimeNG calendar clear current/today date when the user selects some other date on the calendar

I'm using p-calendar in my app to take input from the user for a particular time. The calendar works fine. However even when I click on some other date on the c

Can't bind to 'options' since it isn't a known property of 'p-dropdown'

Getting this error when trying to add a primeNG dropdown to userform.component.ts, I've referenced this but to no avail as I already have this fix immplemented:

Footer buttons on dynamic dialog

I'm using a dynamic dialog and I want to have some buttons on footer, however it seems that only text is allowed for footer in this component.

Primeng table p-table,set conditional column editable

I am using Primeng p-table control in my angular 7 application. Below is the html code I am using: <p-table [value]="data" [reorderableColumns]="'true'" [co

checkbox for select all checkboxes in angular primeng table

When I click on the checkbox in the table header. Then all the checkboxes in the table should be checked. Currently, I'm using angular 12 and primeNG table. <

How to export my json data into pdf,excel using angular 2

I have created my Data table from the angular 2 website. Now I want to export my json data to PDF,excel using angular 2 framework. Kindly give me suggestion h