Category "docusignapi"

DocuSign Templates - Populate values for Subset of Tabs

I'm sending an envelope successfully that uses a DocuSign Template. I'm not supplying any tabs data with the request as that is all setup in the DocuSign Templa

JSON request for envelope with single document, two signers, pre-fill fields

I have an envelope with a single document and two signers saved as a server-side template. The signers execute the agreement in a specific order. The document

Unable to obtain embedded recipient view from DocuSign

I have integrated DocuSign embedded signing into my web app, which is still in development so using DocuSign developer sandbox. When an envelope is created prog

DocuSign API - I want API for Reports

I am using DocuSign Open API'S to generate a report. Can anyone suggest which API I should use, if any? I have tried to execute the API from DocuSign but a re

Docusign Template is no merging with APEX code

I send in the opportunity id into mySourceId into the routine and run through what should be the standard Docusign APEX API routines. We have a button that com

Docusign - no_valid_keys_or_signatures

We have integrated docusign API and it worked perfectly. Suddenly we are getting this error when sending envelops. We found there is an issue with generating JW

Docusign embedded sigin - Merge field is not working

I am using embedding signing from salesforce using apex toolkit. I could not merge fields from salesforce. I am trying to prepopulate firstname and lastname. I

How to validate phonenumber in Docusign Phone authentication

I have implemented Docusign Remote Signing Process and added phone authentication by setting identity verification for signer signer.setIdentityVerification(rec

Docusign not changing envelope status from "correct" to 'created', 'sent' or 'delivered' ,after deleting lock of that envelope

When we call hit envelope lock API of docusign, envelope status gets changed from 'created', 'sent' or 'delivered' to "correct" and when we hit envelope unlock

Can't get rid of the margin around HTML document

I am using Responsive Signing and I have a HTML document starting the DOM tree like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta cha

DocuSign API EmailBlurb

I have an envelope with multiple signers. I want to include an emailblurb that is custom to each signer. Is that possible? It appears emailBlurb has to be th

Example of DocuSign REST API EnvelopeAttachment: update?

Could someone please supply an example of the use of the DocuSign REST API EnvelopeAttachment: update request (PUT /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/