Category "prism"

Prism 8 , IDialogWindow keynotfound Exception in WPF C#

I used Prism 8.1 and Unity in my WPF Project. I want to implement IDialogWindow but get exception error... Prism.Ioc.ContainerResolutionException: 'An unexpect

How to scroll to an item using MVVM Prism and ReactiveCommand in ViewModel?

Xamarin Forms 4.0 recently released a CollectionView that lets us scroll to a specific item in a collectionView. I have a collection view with 10 items in it t

Uno.dll :: Could not load file or assembly 'Uno, Version='

Trying to reference Windows.Devices.Geolocation to use the Geolocator class from a .NET 6 core WinUI desktop head. I suspect - I am not sure - maybe the NetStan

Xamarin forms : Stop page being accessible from hardware back button

I am using xamarin forms prism. Quick info : I have a page that contains information, this page the user can delete along with its information, this page is an