Category "prisma"

typegraphql-prisma: Unable to infer GraphQL type from TypeScript reflection system

I've got an application (remix-run) with prisma and mongodb. I would like to use typescript-prisma to generate graphql resolvers. In my schema.prisma, I have cr

How to run CLI migrations in a Continous Integration pipeline on a private database on AWS RDS

I am currently using a tool that allows you to apply database migrations only using a CLI (Prisma). My database is in a private network in AWS. To do it manuall

Dockerize NextJS Application with Prisma

I have created a NextJS application, to connect to the database I use Prisma. When I start the application on my computer everything works. Unfortunately, I get

Prisma Schema not updating properly after adding new fields

As the title states, I am using Prisma 2 in a Next JS app. I have a very simple schema: model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement())

Mimic COALESCE behaviour using groups of conditions when querying with Prisma client

I'm trying to replace a SQL query (Postgres) with a Prisma client query, and I'm struggling to implement this COALESCE logic: COALESCE(date_1, date_2,'1970-01-0

How to use next-auth using ldap and prisma

i am using next-auth with ldap to authenticate user name and password. i am able to log/authenticate the user using username and password. but when i can't crea

Timestamp with timezone column in Prisma

I am evaluating Prisma and I am a complete noob... I am using Postgresql I have the following model definition model Sth { id Int @defau

Error connecting server to DigitalOcean Postgresql droplet

I am aware that I can connect to a pre-configured Digital Ocean PostgreSQL database cluster and that's what I'm actually connected to right now, but I'd like to

zod-prisma keeps getting stuck at the generation step

I just installed zod-prisma to try it out, but so far nothing is working. I attempted to run it on two separate projects, one has a small prisma and the other h

Is it possible to make a join query with Prisma without a foreign key?

I've been struggling with this for a while but with no success. I have two tables that might have a relation but not necessarily. FIRST +----+-----------+------

Is it possible to make a join query with Prisma without a foreign key?

I've been struggling with this for a while but with no success. I have two tables that might have a relation but not necessarily. FIRST +----+-----------+------

Prisma, update scalarList/array

I´m doing an Spotify clone and I´m trying to add a song to a playlist but my query doesn't work, until this point, everything was good following the

Orm or RAW sql which one is better?

I have a question about Orm or RAW sql Can you tell me which one I should choose if I want to create a large-scale project? And why?

TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object in NextAuth

NextAuth.js automatically creates simple, unbranded authentication pages for handling Sign in, Sign out.So I created it like the document suggest.I created in s

Prisma: update nested entities in a single query

I am using Prisma and Express.js to make requests to my MySQL database table. I have one-to-many relationship between my Contest-Round tables and am trying to w

Return ENUM - Cannot return null for non-nullable field

I am using apollo-server-lambda, Prisma ORM and graphql-codegen. I have a query (getBookById) that returns a Book. Book contains an enum called BookStatus. I wa

How to inject a value via middleware into a graphql query body (prisma-typegraphql)?

I am currently using prisma-typegraphql for generating a schema and it's props. Problem: Is there a way to write a middleware that accesses a value from an arbi

Some Prisma Model @@map not generating

I have a few models in my schema.prisma file that are not generating with their @@map for use in the client. model ContentFilter { id Int

Prisma ORM Postgres SQL DB Schema Not Null Fields

Just so you have it here is my defined prisma schema. Now if I read correctly in the prisma docs it said, that every field in which I do not declare a ? after t

Filtering relations with 'include' and 'where'

I'm building a simple todo app where a user can have multiple lists and share them. Here is my Prisma Schema: model users { id String @