Category "probability"

How to correctly generate training data based on percentages?

I have a question. I am currently generating training data for my bayesian network as follows: (also as code down below) -> infected stands for people who a

Negative BIC values for GaussianMixture in scikit-learn (sklearn)

In scikit-learn, the GaussianMixture object has the method bic(X) that implements the Bayesian Information Criterion to choose the number of components that bet

LSH - proof of the probabilities of success and expected collisions

Hi, I'm at a loss trying to solve this excersie. I'd really appreciate some help! Thank you. Definition: A family of hash functions H = {h : X → U} is (r1,

Get Confidence probability Scores for each Predicted Result in Catboost Classifier

I have built a machine learning model using Catboost classifier to predict the categoryname of my result as per below screenshot1. However, if I get an unknown

How is inference by enumeration done on bayesian networks?

For instance, if given the following Bayesian network and probabilities how would I find P(BgTV | not(GfC). I attempted to do so by simply using the equivalence

How to get multiple combinations of multiple lists in python (Multiple n Choose K or nCr)

I have been looking on google and stack overflow for a few hours and I am sure there is an answer for what this is mathematically or perhaps it is just what the

How do I determine the likelihood of my data coming from a model distribution using Julia?

I am trying to do a statistical analysis in Julia on experimental data. I tried to create a model and use Turing to obtain distributions for the mean and standa

Probability of selling the same items again in a pandas dataframe

I need to know the probability of selling similar items together, based on a sales history formatted like this: pd.DataFrame({"sale_id": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3

Python program that runs a game of pig with a human player and the computer

So in a nutshell, who goes first is decided randomly. When the human players turn does come up, he/she has the option to either hold or roll. If he chooses to r

Create Bayesian Network and learn parameters with Python3.x [closed]

I'm searching for the most appropriate tool for python3.x on Windows to create a Bayesian Network, learn its parameters from data and perform

Only two distinct values of probabilities in Logistic regression output

I am running a logistic regression in R and extracting the predicted probabilities for a test data of about 15,000 rows using predict(modelglm, test_data, type

Find the similarity metric between two strings

How do I get the probability of a string being similar to another string in Python? I want to get a decimal value like 0.9 (meaning 90%) etc. Preferably with s