Category "process"

QProcess does not signal stdout ready

When I launch xfreerdp process out of shell, it prints INFO messages to stdout and WARN/ERROR messages to stderr, as expected (this is just the default /log-lev

why run program with boost::process::spawn with modifed PATH environment failed?

the code as follow: #include <boost/process.hpp> #include <iostream> int main() { // cmd // std::string cmd{"g++.exe"}; // ok std::str

Process.Start() does not work properly on some computers

I have a program where I run some .msi files. This program downloads some files from our website and runs the .msi file. When I run the code as below, it runs s

Load .NET Core x64 exe as .NET assembly and start process [duplicate]

I need to convert an executable to Bytes, and then start a process with it. What im using now is like: using System.Reflection; using System.T

How can kill all the processes triggered by hotkey with some smart way?

I want to kill a process and its son process with trap command: vim trap "kill $$" EXIT sleep 10000 Now run it in background: debian@debian:~$ b

pm2 command not working from a docker image

I have a pm2 command in my docker file which should run inside container when the container starts: CMD ["pm2", "start", "ecosystem.local.json"] CMD ["pm2", "lo

Time Flow Chart in SSRS (2016)?

I am trying to create a report table in SSRS 2016 but I am not sure how to go about it or if it is possible. I am trying to recreate something similar to that

Duplicate process without fork

In linux embedded system I can see in ps 2 processes of the same binary(pid1=X, pid2=Y) those processes don't have threads(/proc/X/task and /proc/Y/task don't e

How to wait in bash script to subprocess, if one of them failed so stop everyone

How to wait in bash script to subprocess and if one of them return exit code 1 so I want to stop all subprocess. This is what I tried to do. But there are a som

C# run python script from virtual environment

I am trying to run python script in c# with process. private void RunScript() { ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("python.exe", "c:\\

How to read into a running processus in c?

Hi how to read into a processus and how to use IMAGE_FILE_HEADER to read the pe header in this processus, thanks for replies:) sorry for my english i'm french

Can two processes running simultaneously share a variable?

Newbie here, I recon this may be a very foolish question. I am simultaneously running on cuda, in two distinct processes, a simple 3-layer MLP neural network ov

What does npm run do?

The command npm run will run the command which I set in the package.json, and I think it does not new a child process to run the command. What does npm do to ru

Get screenshots of other running apps on android

On Android I can get list of running applications by executing getRunningAppProcesses on activity manager: ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getSys

Question about sharing mmapped area between 2 different processes

I'm trying to share mmapped area in 2 processes. In my program, I create memory_update() process and memory_read() process. This memory_update() process update

What is the difference between kill and kill -9?

Can anyone explain the difference between kill and kill -9. Thanks in advance.

Node.js: Killing sub processes of ChildProcess#spawn

Consider the following code: import {spawn, exec} from 'child_process'; var child = spawn('su', [process.env.USER, '-c', 'while (true); do sleep 0.3; echo

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing?

Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing ? I read one such answer here. But, it's not clear though. What does it mean by "user threads cannot

How to kill a nodejs process in Linux?

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 9631/node How do I kill this process in linux(ubuntu)?

How to know the process id of current bash session? [duplicate]

I'm on a linux server and admin user. There're many admin users using this machine at the same time. So under current bash command line, how t