When I launch xfreerdp process out of shell, it prints INFO messages to stdout and WARN/ERROR messages to stderr, as expected (this is just the default /log-lev
the code as follow: #include <boost/process.hpp> #include <iostream> int main() { // cmd // std::string cmd{"g++.exe"}; // ok std::str
I have a program where I run some .msi files. This program downloads some files from our website and runs the .msi file. When I run the code as below, it runs s
I need to convert an executable to Bytes, and then start a process with it. What im using now is like: using System.Reflection; using System.T
I want to kill a process and its son process with trap command: vim waiting.sh trap "kill $$" EXIT sleep 10000 Now run it in background: debian@debian:~$ b
I have a pm2 command in my docker file which should run inside container when the container starts: CMD ["pm2", "start", "ecosystem.local.json"] CMD ["pm2", "lo
I am trying to create a report table in SSRS 2016 but I am not sure how to go about it or if it is possible. I am trying to recreate something similar to that
In linux embedded system I can see in ps 2 processes of the same binary(pid1=X, pid2=Y) those processes don't have threads(/proc/X/task and /proc/Y/task don't e
How to wait in bash script to subprocess and if one of them return exit code 1 so I want to stop all subprocess. This is what I tried to do. But there are a som
I am trying to run python script in c# with process. private void RunScript() { ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("python.exe", "c:\\
Hi how to read into a processus and how to use IMAGE_FILE_HEADER to read the pe header in this processus, thanks for replies:) sorry for my english i'm french
Newbie here, I recon this may be a very foolish question. I am simultaneously running on cuda, in two distinct processes, a simple 3-layer MLP neural network ov
The command npm run will run the command which I set in the package.json, and I think it does not new a child process to run the command. What does npm do to ru
On Android I can get list of running applications by executing getRunningAppProcesses on activity manager: ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getSys
I'm trying to share mmapped area in 2 processes. In my program, I create memory_update() process and memory_read() process. This memory_update() process update
Can anyone explain the difference between kill and kill -9. Thanks in advance.
Consider the following code: import {spawn, exec} from 'child_process'; var child = spawn('su', [process.env.USER, '-c', 'while (true); do sleep 0.3; echo
Does user level threads take advantage of multiprocessing ? I read one such answer here. But, it's not clear though. What does it mean by "user threads cannot
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 9631/node How do I kill this process in linux(ubuntu)?
I'm on a linux server and admin user. There're many admin users using this machine at the same time. So under current bash command line, how t