Category "prodigy"

For integer/dates values annotated using Prodigy, does the spaCy model learn the range of values as well?

I have a prodigy session set up to annotate certain numeric values in a document for age (ranges from 0 to 100). I am only annotating the number. My question is

Prodigy + Spacy to train dataset

I would like an example of using Prodigy to train a dataset (text file with some named entities). This file would be in Portuguese. The idea would be to train a

Convert from Prodigy's JSONL format for labeled NER to spaCy's training format?

I am new to Prodigy and spaCy as well as CLI coding. I'd like to use Prodigy to label my data for an NER model, and then use spaCy in python to create models.

Access Prodigy UI in Kubernetes Pod

I am attempting to create a service for creating training datasets using the Prodigy UI tool. I would like to do this using a Kubernetes cluster which is runnin