Category "progressive-web-apps"

How to open Website as App in Microsoft Edge from CLI?

In Chrome you can use start chrome --new-window --app= To have it open in a reduced window (PWA-Style). Chrome as app How is this possib

Function that tests if React PWA is online never returns false

I'm using ReactJS to create a progressive web app. My app needs to determine if it is able to connect to my server so that it can know how to handle submitted d

Angular PWA on Samsung Internet Browser

Angular version: 13 Samsung Internet version: I developed an Angular application and added PWA. Chrome and Edge display the install icon, but Samsung

How to implement background sync with nuxtjs/pwa?

I am trying to use workbox background-sync in Nuxtjs via @nuxt/pwa-module. this is my workbox property in nuxt.config.js file: workbox: { importScripts : [

Standalone PWA shows ◀Untitled instead of actual PWA name?

On iPhone running iOS 15.4.1, there seems to be an issue, where the back button to our PWA shows “◀Untitled” and not the actual PWA’s na

Angular 6 app is not working in safari browser

Angular app is working fine in IE and chrome but in safari it is not working even not showing any error and tried with polyfill and here polyfill.ts /** IE9,

how to re-register the service worker with next-pwa

I am using next-pwa package with my next.js applications for PWA features. But I am having a problem here. Everytime, I rebuild and redeploy the application, it

WearOS support for PWA

I'm digging over internet on how to make a PWA app made with react.js run over WearOS, but I do not find any article. Also, the WearOS website is empty of infor

How to trigger the beforeinstallprompt event on my PWA?

I build a PWA using Angular 9 which can be seen here and I implemented an beforeinstallprompt event handler so as to offer the user a way to install the PWA as

PWA for IOS on safari and chrome with javascript in html

I managed to create a custom pwa install button in html javascript that works well on an android only based on this documentation: Android Pwa My current proble

PWA support in NextJs

we would like to build a fully offline capable react web application. We usually work with NextJS. The current problem that we are facing is that we are not abl

How do I load only this page when my progressive web app goes offline

I'm stuck on a problem: I wanted to make some tests trying to turn my simple flask web application into a progressive web application even tho I found poor info

service.acknowledge is undefined using Digital Goods API with Google Play in TWA

I have an web app in development to which I am trying to add Google Play Billing on Android and Chrome OS. My implementation is basically the same as in Google

How to run Android Apps in a computer browser like PWA App?

I would like to compare native with cross-platform technology. I am writing Kotlin Android Native application and is it possible to easily open it in browser li

How to open a new PWA window from inside the PWA?

I'm trying to open a new window of my PWA application inside of it. But when I click on the anchor a new chrome tab is open. Anyone can help me to open two ins

How can I open my PWA app from other native app?

I am implementing a PWA application and a native application on Android. I need to open the native app from PWA app which I know how to do that. Basically I nee

PWA: force to open browser instead of PWA

I have built an ASP.NET Core application with an angular frontend. The angular app has the @angular/pwa node package setup, so it's a progressive web app that c

Open installed PWA from external url

Is there any method to open website (PWA) urls in the installed PWA in iOS- Safari? Use case: I'm sending email links to login in my PWA, how can I make this

iOS PWA 'added to home screen' cache is expiring after a day

I'm building an installable PWA from a CRA. I've added a custom service worker that caches all external requests using the service worker cache API. After the f

iOS PWA splash screen?

In terms of PWA splash screens, do people think the code at and