Category "worksheet-function"

Excel VBA code error type mismatch using worksheetfunction to find duplicates

I get a Type Mismatch Error "13" with the below code. Can anyone assist with where I'm going wrong with my VBA syntax and use of variables. If Applicat

Delete every second worksheet starting with the first (so 1, 3, 5...)

I am currently using a VBA code from Kutools that lets me combine all my worksheets into one combined "Master" sheet. However, every relevant worksheet is prece

VBA code to count distinct values based on multiple criteria

I have a data sheet "orders" which has data in the format order no Customer Sales Executive Order Status Order Date 211 nokia john cancelled 2

VLOOKUP from different workbook

I have 2 workbooks....OdysseyDeposit where my source data is and Civil Bank Accnt Recon which contains VLOOKUP to the OdysseyDeposit. Here is the VLOOKUP funct