My node-exporter metrics are something like: process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="",job="node_info"} process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="
I've configured prometheus on Centos, version details are follows. prometheus-2.5.0.linux-386 I've added two targets on the prometheus.yml configuration file
I want to send an email alert (I have a custom template) that looks like this: Description = Disk is almost full: < 20% left Summary = Volume D: on 192.168.1
I have been 3 days reading about this, even configuring a set of containers to test them, but I have doubts. I understand that the architecture of Prometheus +
Can we keep the job section into a separate file and is it possible to include it in prometheus.yml. We have multiple infrastructures to monitor,r so it would b
I am trying to send custom metrics to graphite exporter, using nc command, but unsuccessful. Here is the steps: I wget the graphite exporter on my redhat machin
Error: failed to start container "node-exporter": Error response from daemon: path /sys is mounted on /sys but it is not a shared or slave mount shows that mes
I set up Prometheus + Node Exporter + Grafana with the following instructions: klick Node Exporter Config Prometheus So, everything worked quite well. In Promet
I have a Prometheus Federator with multiple targets. I need to customize its rules (thresholds) for eventually each target. Is there a way to set a have a rule
I configured prometheus alert manager, but he is not alerting when the CPU of one of my server goes to 99% of usage. This is the alert : - alert: HostHighCpuLoa
I would like to use the conditional operator into the Prometheus alert.rules definition to set a specific severity. For instance, if the environment is producti
I have load. node_load1 node_load1{group="FTP",instance="",job="node"} 0.1 node_load1{group="Prometheus",instance="localhost:9100",job="node"}
I'm working in Grafana and Prometheus and I have Pushgateway exporting some stats for me. In Grafana, I am trying to display these results per machine. My jobs
Prometheus does support binary comparison operators between an instant vector and a scalar. E.g. memory_usage_bytes > 1024. But is it possible to query a gau
I am trying to create an alert in which, when the number of nodes increase or decrease I'll send an alert. currently, I can get the node's count using this: cou
I have one query while performing operation on an instant vector. For ex: node_value metrics with 10minutes of data node_value{ID="1",instance="",
I have a metrics called - kube_node_status_condition in which I have elements that have value 0 or 1. I need to write the query in such a way that it will only
I want to fetch the monitor host's metrics through the api of prometheus, and I need to initiate a request for each metric requested. curl http://IP:9090/api/v1
I am using Prometheus to monitor network traffic on Linux machines. I see several useful metrics like node_network_receive_bytes_total, node_network_transmit_by
I am running a diskspace used query in Prometheus and would like to return only the top 5 or 10 entries from the search result. Is there anyway I can achieve th