Category "protected"

Automatically protect / un-protect sheets or ranges when value is change from another source (google sheets)

There is a case where test is given to a certain student. The student can only work with the answer for the test before a given period. Here is the sample case:

What is the difference between protected and public variable in python

In python, what is the difference between protected and public variable in a class class A: def __init__(self): self._protected="protected"

Protect Sheet when condition is met by change (Google Sheet)

There is a case where test is given to a certain student. The student can only work with the answer for the test before a given period. Here is the sample case:

Want to protect file from copy,download

I have following requirement. Admin can upload any files like jpg,pdf,PPT,DOC file on server. End User or viewer only access the files in display/view mode.