Category "protocol-buffers"

Configuring protobuf C++ to dynamically link against MSVC runtime library

I would like to configure protobuf to link MSVC runtime library dynamically. While this is supported by protobuf and seems trivial to do, I have not been able t

Protobuf Message With Arbitrary Type (.NET)

I want to send/receive values with arbitrary types. At first, I thought the Any type would allow types such as string int32 etc. but it seems that the type must

Duplicate handling strategy error with gradle while using protobuf for java

I am using the below configuration build.gradle plugins { id "" version "0.8.17" id "java" } group "" version "1.

Decode protobuf without proto files

I would like to decode protobuf data and running into some decoding challenges. 1> Example of the protobuf data: 0a06282c0241057a10011805220d080510bea3f49306

Comparison of protobuf and arrow

Both are language-neutral and platform-neutral data exchange libraries. I wonder what are the difference of them and which library is good for which situations.

Import "google/api/annotations.proto" was not found or had errors. How do I add it as a dependency?

Following the docs on how to set up a gRPC gateway, I find myself stuck at step four of generating the grpc gateway. Namely, things fall apart when the followin

Finding Protobuf package with CMake

I cannot seem to get CMake to consistently find my protobuf package. I would like to include the protobuf source and build it as part of my project. I'm using p

Can the .proto file be generated from the server by any client?

I have seen that Evans CLI can be used to determine the exposed messages and sessions on the server from the client setup. Is it possible that the .proto file b

How are openCV matrices serialized in Google's mediapipe

Google's mediapipe framework is able to work with openCV matrices across different languages, certainly C++ and Python. Since it uses protocol buffers to commun

How to curl a POST endpoint with a protobuf payload

I have a POST endpoint in my Java service that expects a protobuf 3 payload. This service is used by other services which send the protobuf payload. I would lik

How to setup protobuf in kotlin/android studio?

First time using protobuf, so following googles instructions I placed all my .protos in a protos folder in my android studio project. I know the .proto files ar

grpc can't find protobuf library

I went over the grpc installation and finished building and installation. Now when I try to: find_package(gRPC CONFIG REQUIRED) I get CMake Error at CMakeLi

How to set google.protobuf.Timestamp to null?

How to represent a null timestamp in Google ProtoBuf? I am reading DateTime's from a postgreSQL database--some of which are null--into protobuf TimeStamps. mess

protoc-gen-go: unable to determine Go import path for "simple.proto"

I have simple proto file with following content. syntax="proto3"; package main; message Person { string name = 1; int32 age = 2; } I am trying t

Sending protobuf as JSON in spring-boot

I´m using protobufs with this concrete definition. message Hash { string category = 1; repeated KVPair content = 2; } message KVPair { strin

Check if the response of a get api is a proto object

I fetch a proto object from an api , is there anyway I can validate that the response is a proto object. One thing which I did was check content-type as mentio

How to import protobuf well-known types in AspNet Core gRPC Service

I', scratching my head about how to import "google/protobuf/empty.proto" to my proto file. What I'm doing so far: In my .csproj file, I added the following: &

Can I define a grpc call with a null request or response?

Does the rpc syntax in proto3 allow null requests or responses? e.g. I want the equivalent of the following: rpc Logout; rpc Status returns (Status); rpc Log (L

Unable to build protobuf to go endpoint

using protobuf version 2.6.1 ( which i installed via homebrew) I am trying to run $ protoc --go_out=../cloud/ *.proto I keep receiving this error. $ p

Where to set the path to the protoc to import standards Protocol Buffers

Where need I to set the path to the protoc to get import standards Protocol Buffers (protobuf), like empty.proto and timestamp.proto in Windows and Dart? When