Category "protocol-buffers"

How to use C# and Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.Cx.V3 to generate valid Google DialogFlow CX webhook response JSON

I've created a webhook using C# and ASP.NET Core in order to try to generate the webhook response to DialogFlow, but I'm really struggling with using Google.Clo

How to form protobuf resource part of http request body and test it through dhc client or postman for restful services

I have created a .proto message and I'm exposing a rest service which looks like this @Path("/test") public interface test{ @POST @Produces("application/x-pr

Converting Protobuf3 with enum to JSON in Go

How can I convert grpc/protobuf3 message to JSON where the enum is represented as string? For example, the protobuf message: enum Level { WARNING = 0;

What is the correct Protobuf content type?

JSON has application/json as a standard. For protobuf some people use application/x-protobuf, but I saw something as odd as application/ bein

Install Protocol Buffers on Windows

I am unable to find clear instructions to install Google Protocol Buffers (including compiler) on Windows x64 platform. I went through the instructions README

How to convert Protobuf ByteString to an octal-escaped String in java?

Could anyone please let me know how to convert protobuf's ByteString to an octal escape sequence String in java? In my case, I am getting the ByteString value

protobuf - field name with special characters

I'm trying to manually model a .proto file representing a JSON which has one of the field names with a dot and an @ sign. I'm getting an error that doesn't expl

How to consume protobuf parameters using Spring REST?

I'm trying to pass a protobuf parameter to a REST endpoint but I get org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 null each time I try. W

How to consume protobuf parameters using Spring REST?

I'm trying to pass a protobuf parameter to a REST endpoint but I get org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 null each time I try. W

protocol buffers - store an double array, 1D, 2D and 3D

How can be an array of double (1D) stored using protocol buffer? What about multi-dimensional (2D or 3D) dense arrays?

How to convert from Json to Protobuf?

I'm new to using protobuf, and was wondering if there is a simple way to convert a json stream/string to a protobuf stream/string in Java? For example, protoS