I have a file in my TEMP directory on a windows server echo %TEMP% C:\Users\BOB\AppData\Local\Temp\2 Below command to insert file to table: psql -d BOBDB01 -c
I'm using psql to check if a table exists in a given database. The command below works fine to return t for True or f for False: psql -U $user -d $db -t -c "SEL
When I "chainlink node start", I get the error: "Cannot boot Chainlink: opening db: failed to open db: failed to connect to host=/private/tmp user=myname databa
I am unable to connect to PSql from my DigitalOcean server. This happened after resizing the droplet. listen_addresses = '*' added to postgresql.conf host all a
I want to save data from the Django model to PostgreSQL database with: mymodel.objects.create(title='test') this model only has title and id but it raises th
I am trying to import data from a csv into postgres. I have tried the following and got the following errors: Copy TA_Files FROM 'C:\Users\ABla47\Documents\TA
I am trying to run below task but it gives error. - name: Check if Schema exist shell: "psql -h {{ dbserver }} -U {{ dbuser } {{ dbname }} -c '\dt' | grep -
I have a transactional table with year, month and amount. Now, there are months which we consider non-operating months (jan, feb, dec). However, SAP automatical
I am using Windows 10 I have a PostgreSQL file when I run inside the PSQL CMD \i FILENAMEPATH postgres=# \i C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Projects\Movies\solution.sql C
I found this related answer useful: Export "Create Aggregate" functions from PostgreSQL But how do I get the CREATE AGGREGATE statement without a GUI client (
I have a file containing a value which should go into a field of a PostgreSQL table. By searching a little, I found many answers, e.g. How can I update column v
I'm working in a centralized monitoring system on Windows 2008 R2, I have installed a PostgreSQL 9.3 to use psql from the command line. When I try to access to
I tried to establish a connection in pgAdmin to the PostgresSQL server. I always get the message: could not receive data from server: Software caused connectio
Is there a way to show all the content inside a table by using psql command line interface? I can use \list to show all the databases, \d to show all the table
How to make a query to the Postgres data dictionary to find out all the privileges that a particular user has. I've been looking for a solution and I can not f
In MySQL, you can terminate a select query with \G (as opposed to \g) to display the results vertically: select * from foo \G *************** id: 1 bar: Hell
I installed PostgreSQL via the graphical install on http://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/ I see it in my applications and also have the psql terminal in m