I'm creating an API to register a device (mobile app - push notification) into the Azure Notification Hubs using Installations, but every time that I create a n
I am using react-native-notifications version 4.2.4 on React Native 0.64.1. I have also tried on react-native-notifications version 4.3.1 on React Native 0.67.
I get the following error in the console when running the app: [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM012002] Error in application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWit
In order to use expo-notifications, I use this approach: -show an onboarding screen where user can accept to receive the notifications -if the user accepted to
I am developing an app for a local fire department using React-Native, one feature is to alert everyone in case of emergency. On iOS I can use "Critical Alerts"
I'm new to flutter and I'm just trying to receive firebase push notifications to my flutter app. Push notifications are receiving when the app is closed and in
Please help me for this case. I implement feature - push notification by OneSignal. My situation as belows: Android devices: Receive notification: App close: op
Android notification has 'channels' where you can enable/disable notifications based on channels. Like enable notification for "channel 1" but disable notificat
My question has been asked on Apple Developer Forums, but I've seen these sort of APNS push questions left unanswered for four years. I don't have the luxury t
I?m using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notifications to my flutter app through a cloud function, and within the notification I'm adding data which will
I need notifications to vibrate the phone repeatedly until the user performs an action like clicking on the notification. I have found no way to make this work
I am using Local Notifications for my app and it is working fine on my iPhone but when firing a Notification on my Android Simulator it is not showing the Notif
I've successfully implemented activity feed notifications in my app (tab) for MS Teams. The problem is, I don't receive them on mobile devices: neither push not
I tried to use like below I am using pyfcm to send notifications (https://github.com/olucurious/PyFCM/). push_service = FCMNotification(api_key) push_service
I have implemented FCM in push i want to redirect to my screen on click of push notification when app is in background. It is redirecting to my webpage but mess
I'm working in Xamarin form ios. My issue is when click on push notification received when its inactive/killed,then its stuck in launchscreen. I have implemente
I am building a home automation project that has a fire sensor that will write to Firebase Database if there is a fire detected, then from that point I need to
I have a react native messaging app done with Expo. I got notifications to work, but the problem is that each message is a separate notification. I would like
i have an android app and i want to send a firebase data message to inform the users of a new app version available in the play store. I am sending a data messa
I want to use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to the users, but I am getting this error when I try to setup messageing: TypeError: undefined is