Category "pyautogui"

opencv bot Recursion Error using pyautogui , python-imagesearch, cv2

Im writing a bot using cv2 , pyautogui,and imagesearch libaries. in this function im searching for an image then I'm going to run another function when found if

Pyautogui click speed

I need more clicking speed using pyautogui, max cps that I got is 75. The only way to increase the speed I found is by changing pyautogui.PAUSE. How can I get m

use pyautogui in a certain open program in windows

I would like to use image search in a certain open application, for example, I want it to search the image only in the windows "Calculator" application, how cou

Python Loop (pyautogui)

Hii,I want to create a loop to fill an excel table with another and stop when it finds an empty field, which in this case would be the first ctrl+c as a referen

With which library I can bind hotkeys in python code?

I have a function and I want to bind this function to "ctrl"+"alt". I already used pynput, but it reacts even on typical "ctrl" or "alt". How to realize it in..

Unexpected errors happen on working script

I'm relatively new to python and only recently tried some small scripts with it that can be used for my needs (just simply interact and automate with some parts


I know that the most usefull tool to create and manipulate workbook/paste are Pandas or Openpyxl. My problem is with TOTVS: I find a table in its program and I

Python - Multiple Clicks at different location on screen at the same time

I have this idea but I don't even know where to start haha Basically, Lets say I want to click these 2 locations (50, 100) and (1000, 500) I could just click

cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.2) 👎 error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'cvtColor'

this is my code and I have a problem. What is the solution for it, please? I try to make a screen recorder: import numpy as np import cv2 import pyautogui code

Trying to make game detect mouse clicks using python, all the libraries failed

About 3-4 months ago, I decided to use my basic python knowledge to write a simple farming bot for an old RPG. After some struggling, I found a way to use pyaut

Documentation says to use a confidence parameter, but it throws an error

Edit to include code snippet. I am developing an app with pyautogui. I want to match a region on the desktop and click it. Calling the locateOnscreen function,

Python, pyautogui: how to explicitly for os to find required file/dir?

I am writing Selenium tests and faced an issue when I need to upload an image, but the input I want to interact with is hidden from view and doesn't have a 'val

Unable to install PyAutoGui on Linux

I'm trying to install pyautogui, and have an error. I tried to install pyautogui on older python version, and have same error. I also tried to install all depen

Speeding up pyautogui screenshot() with region

I'm trying to speed up the screenshot function in pyautogui since I only need a small portion of the screen. The region variable is supposedly the way to this a

datetime expected float, got string

I'm trying to make a pyautogui script that adds the users input to the current time using the datetime/timedelta module. I want the pyautogui part to use typewr

datetime expected float, got string

I'm trying to make a pyautogui script that adds the users input to the current time using the datetime/timedelta module. I want the pyautogui part to use typewr

PyAutoGui uses a scaled resolution of my screen for functions (MacOS)

I'm running on Macbook and my issue is that functions like pyautogui.moveTo use a coordinate system of 1440,900 when my screen size is 2560,1600) This is a prob

Pyautogui don't work in game window

I'm making some tests using Pyautogui on games. But in those games that change your cursor and fullscreen games, none of the methods work. I'm trying now on Ra

Pyautogui don't work in game window

I'm making some tests using Pyautogui on games. But in those games that change your cursor and fullscreen games, none of the methods work. I'm trying now on Ra

How do I wait for pyautogui.locateonscreen() to return a value?

I am creating a webbot and I want to wait for a certain image to appear on the webpage before I continue my script. I am making use of pyautogui.locatesonscree