Category "spring-jdbc"

A way to update multiple records together?

I am trying to see if there is a way to improve the way data is inserted and updated. I am using ORACLE DB with JDBC. The current way i'm doing is to update (e.

Unable to connect to progress database using spring jpa

I am trying to add progress as a secondary DataSource to my application Here are the properties of the dataSource: spring.datasource2.jdbcUrl=jdbc:datadirect:op

Spring SimpleJdbcCall and BeanPropertyRowMapper

To get data from database I'm using SimpleJdbcCall as it is convenient for stored procedures. Along with it I'm using BeanPropertyRowMapper as the no of fields

Spring using windows user instead of given username 'root' to hit the mysql

Getting the error "Access denied for user 'DEll'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" In the spring xml file I have given the user as 'root' not dell. I ha

Spring Oauth2 JDBC Client configuration add same client multiple times

I am configuring an OAuth2 authorization server in a Spring project. Here is configuration. @Override public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer cl

JdbcBatchItemWriter - setSql - How to fix timestamp type mismatch

I am using JdbcBatchItemWriter in my Springboot application to import data from a CSV file into an Oracle DB, but I’m not able to import in timestamps. I