Category "pydev"

PyDev not working in Eclipse

I recently had to reset my PC and I get this error after relaunching Eclipse: No editor descriptor for id org.python.pydev.editor.PythonEditor I tried se

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on browser when opening dtale with Eclipse Pydev

Opening a dtale sheet using Eclipse Pydev on Windows leads to ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on browser. The same code works on spyder and jupyter however. I know dtale

Python not equal to 0

I am new to Python. How can I know if a function is being used or not; if it is not equal to zero then the program will print; otherwise, do not print any zero.

Pydev shows unresolved import, but script runs?

I am using PyDev. I am trying to organise my project classes into packages. e.g. In a folder I have a module at /libraries/ In another