Category "pyspark"

Spark read from S3 working, but I am unable to write using the same session [duplicate]

I am using a pyspark test script to read and write files to S3. Here is how I initialize the spark-session: import findspark from pyspark.sql

Synapse spark job fails as input folder does not exist

How to do exception handling for file reading. For example, I have a daily job that will run at 8:00 am. It reads files from Azure data lake storage(Gen 2). The

pyspark get element from array Column of struct based on condition

I have a spark df with the following schema: |-- col1 : string |-- col2 : string |-- customer: struct | |-- smt: string | |-- attributes: array (null

How to add custom method to Pyspark Dataframe class by inheritance

I am trying to inherit DataFrame class and add additional custom methods as below so that i can chain fluently and also ensure all methods refers the same dataf

Reading file from s3 in pyspark using org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws

Trying to read files from s3 using hadoop-aws, The command used to run code is mentioned below. please help me resolve this and understand what I am doing wrong

How do I get the last item from a list using pyspark?

Why does column 1st_from_end contain null: from pyspark.sql.functions import split df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('a b c d',)], ['s',]) split(d

Pyspark connection to the Microsoft SQL server?

I have a huge dataset in SQL server, I want to Connect the SQL server with python, then use pyspark to run the query. I've seen the JDBC driver but I don't fin

How to correctly import pyspark.sql.functions?

from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, sum , etc... It is very tiresome adding all of it. Is there a way to import all of it at once?

Google cloud dataproc cluster created with an environment.yaml with a jupyter resource but environment not available as a jupyter kernel

I have created a new dataproc cluster with a specific environment.yaml. Here is the command that I have used to create that cluster: gcloud dataproc clusters cr

How do you create merge_asof functionality in PySpark?

Table A has many columns with a date column, Table B has a datetime and a value. The data in both tables are generated sporadically with no regular interval. Ta

How to apply the describe function after grouping a PySpark DataFrame?

I want to find the cleanest way to apply the describe function to a grouped DataFrame (this question can also grow to apply any DF function to a grouped DF) I

How to use a Scala class inside Pyspark

I've been searching for a while if there is any way to use a Scala class in Pyspark, and I haven't found any documentation nor guide about this subject. Let's