How can I exactly match the Pydantic schema? The suggested method is to attempt a dictionary conversion to the Pydantic model but that's not a one-one match. I
I'm starting to learn automated testing. When I run a test I want to get a specific text ('No Add to Cart button') on error of selenium NoSuchElementException I
Why is functional style testing facilitating testing compared to class based testing? Is this just additional library specific functionality or are there any ge
I am running this test case command below py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov=pipelines/core/comp/plugins/abc/ --noconftest pipelines/core/comp/test/plugins
I'm using VSCode Test Explorer to run my Python unit tests. There was a bug in my code and my tested method never finishes. How do I interrupt my test? I can't
My environment is : Python 3.9.9 Pytest 6.2.5 Brownie 1.17.1 I'm working on the from Patrick Collins' Smart Contract tutorial on Youtube; at thi
I'm trying to debug pytest tests in Visual Studio 2022. I have the tests showing up in test explorer and when I run them they execute, however when I set a bre
I am pretty new at unit tests and have seen fairly basic examples of mocks and doing asserts that test the return value of a function. I have a fairly advanced
I have a set of pytest tests that I run on multiple remotely-connected (embedded) devices (that do not have pytest on itself). Basically, the tests secure-copy
Example: from pytest import fixture, skip @fixture(params=['a', 'b']) def f1(request): yield request.param params = [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 10), ('b',
I have a simple python dockerized application whose structure is /src - - Dockerfile requirements.txt in which the docker base image
I'm writing the conway's game code in python. My code is like this: def update_board(board: list[list[int]]) -> list[list[int]]: rows = len(board) co
I have a structure like (not exact names) - my_project - app - repo - - - services -
I am attempting to run tests from a python module using Azure DevOps. I've got a pipeline build set up to build of a yml file and also using classic editor. I'm
I have a unit test to databricks code, and I want to run it locally on windows. Unluckily when I run pytest with PyCharm, it throws the following exception: Exc
I recently added a Lambda Layer to one of my work projects and while it's been a huge success in almost every way, I'm having issues running my tests now. This
I write tests for CRUD application and i want to be sure that its behaviour is correct during different scenarios when connection to DB permanently or temporari
I'm trying to mimic Django behavior when running tests on FastAPI: I want to create a test database in the beginning of each test, and destroy it in the end. Th
I'm trying to use pytest to test if my function is logging the expected text, such as addressed this question (the pyunit equivalent would be assertLogs). Foll
I am building a test suite for a flask app's auth blueprint. I've successfully built tests for user registering and login in, but I am having some trouble to te