Category "python-3.9"

Open JupyterNotebook from VScode into the Browser

I have opened my .ipynb file with vscode (Python 3.9 Interpreter - installed jupyterlab), it's connected locally, how can I open it through the browser? what is

pipenv locking for NumPy fails on Python3.9 and pip21.0.1

When I try to install pandas via pipenv I get a bunch of numpy errors after the locking process. When I try to install bs4 via pipenv it works fine, but for som

Mark Node as Failed under graphlib TopologicalSorter

From graphlib.TopologicalSorter, I can process nodes from a graph in parallel via: topological_sorter = TopologicalSorter() topological_sorter.prepare() while

Creating universal build for mac os with pyinstaller and python3

I have two mac machines. One is intel based and running big sur and second is M1 and running big sur. I am trying to build a sample hello world package using py

Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>] for Python 3.9

I am trying to install Python 3.9 in order to access some updated libraries compared to Python 3.6. However, when I run my code, none of the previous libraries

Error when uploading a file to the cloud anonfile

I have a problem when sending anon files to the cloud, here is my code: from anonfile import AnonFile import getpass import os import os.path USER_NAME

Pygame installed on windows, getting "pygame.error: Failed loading libwebp-7.dll" when trying to call pygame.image.load()

I've got python 3.9.1 running on a windows 10 machine. I have pygame 2.0.1 installed on my machine via pip (python -m pip install

Python 3.9 Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required

so I recently upgraded to Python 3.9 and when trying to install some libraries - specifically pip install discord - I encountered the following error: ERROR:

Python rich - Can't print text styles, only colors

The problem is that I can't print any text style. This is my code, and I don't think it's faulty: from rich.console import Console console = Console(highlight=

Installed python3.9 not showing in linux

I installed python 3.9 following the steps in this link. sudo apt update sudo apt install python3.9 python3.9 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python