Category "python-requests"

Pagination not working in Python Session.put()

I am trying to upload a file to a website (that has an inbuilt API) using the following code. The code reads a list of medical codes/diagnoses codes etc. (1 col

JSONDecodeError while trying to post csv value via python's requests.put method

I am currently working in python's requests library and accessing Salesforce API. I have successfully Accessed the access_token from Salesforce API Obtained the

AWS lambda: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.6) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version

I have an AWS lambda program that is getting this warning in logs: /var/task/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.6) or chardet (3.0.4

Could not connect to MLFlow model hosted on Docker

I hosted a model inside a docker container. On running the DockerFile, It runs the following command: mlflow models serve -m model --port 8080 --no-conda It ser

How to create a watchlist with python using the TD Ameritrade api?

I hope there is someone that can help me with this error i'm having problems with. I have seen many post here about this api and have read almost everything I c

How to get the actual download link embedded with any "Download" button

I have this code to download a big file in chunks: import requests from tqdm import tqdm def get_size(url): response = requests.head(url) size = int(r

Response 405 using Python Requests

I try to send form data to the following url: I have tried adding headers, and almost everything in the chrome network log that a normal brows

cannot access URL due to SSL module not available Python

First time trying to use Python 3.6 requests library's get() function with data from and load and dump json. import json import requests request =

How is data scraping based on location in Amazon?

Whenever I want to scraping on, I fail. Because Product information changes according to location in This changing information is as follo

Simulate Time Series Events with Accurate Scheduler

I have an API which I will need to run some tests. We have already done the stress and load testing but the best way to test is to run some real life data. I ha

The problem when working with requests using a proxy in Python

Sorry if some of the suggestions are going to be weird. I used a translator, because this question was not answered on my language's stackoverflow. import threa

How to get the data from POST request (API) in Python from sothebys site

I hope you are doing well. I have post request from which I want to get data in my jupyter notebook. I used the POSTMAN to check the data. Its working fine in t

Calling a REST API with Api Id and key using Python

I am trying to send a request to get a token to an API. curl -X POST "https://base_url/token" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: applicatio

How to return a marshalled JSON that has a nested property?

Fellow programmers from SO! I am building a simple Spring Boot example just to add a Client using a RESTful API. I have written this Controller: import org.spri

How to iterate sample users along with endpoint & payload while calling each API post request

Original question link: There are two functions: ReadInp() -> Dict[str, str] This reads a csv and returns a dict with a url as key and a payload as the value

Zipfile can't open a file-like object streaming in request.raw

When I want to decompression a zipfile from internet, there is a error like zipfile.badzipfile: file is not a zip file. here is my code: response = requests.get

Python-3 Minecraft UUID to Username using the Requests library

I am wondering if it is possible to take a minecraft UUID and convert it into the users current username. I know how to get all of there previous usernames, but

Need help parsing link from iframe using BeautifulSoup and Python3

I have this url here, and I'm trying to get the video's source link, but it's located within an iframe. The video url is i

positional argument error in sheduling task in python

I got a positional argument error when i tried running my code and the do() passes extra arguments to the job function import schedule from schedule import Sche

GET requests to Zendesk API fail using Python 3.x with the HTTP code 401 Unauthorised

I'm simply testing out the capabilities of Zendesk API with the intention of creating a ticket-based Slack application but I cannot seem to get past the simple