I have a, xarray dataset that is ocean color of the Atlantic Ocean called olci_ds. This dataset has dimensions of rows and columns and coordinates of lat, lon a
I am trying to open a .netcdf file using xarray and it is showing this error. I am unable to resolve this error and I have found no such solution to resolve thi
I use 'xarray' to read nc file and plot a figure. I achieved the figure, but I don't know how to modify the title of the figure. Please see the code below. impo
I have an xarray.Dataset with two 1D variables sun_azimuth and sun_elevation with multiple timesteps along the time dimension: import xarray as xr import numpy
I have a python xarray dataset with time,x,y for its dimensions and value1 as its variable. I'm trying to compute annual mean of value1 for each x,y coordinate
I tried to combine two netcdf files along the time dimension using this command. The first file ran 1 to 10 days and then the next one from 11 to 20 days. Time
Suppose I have the following DataArray arr = xarray.DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2,3), dims=['A', 'B'], coords
I have an image stack stored in an XArray DataArray with dimensions time, x, y on which I'd like to apply a custom function along the time axis of each pixel su
I'm running into a problem using a Xarray together with SLURMcluster from Dask. I'm using pandas_plink to load some data into a Xarray, then filtering it and ma
I would like to have the winter (DJF) average for every year to plot a time-series. I know that I can group by season if I have a data array (DA). I don't know
Given a dataset with the following structure: time var1 var2 var2 var1 var3 loc1 loc1 loc2 loc2 loc1 1 11 12 13 14 15 2 21
Given a dataset with the following structure: time var1 var2 var2 var1 var3 loc1 loc1 loc2 loc2 loc1 1 11 12 13 14 15 2 21
I need to align a cartopy 2D map subplot with a 1D line subplot, using the following code: import xarray as xr import cartopy.crs as ccrs import matplotlib.pyp
I have opened a netcdf file in python using xarray, and the dataset summary looks like this. Dimensions: (latitude: 721, longitude: 1440, time: 41) Coordinat