Category "pytorch"

Embedding 3D data in Pytorch

I want to implement character-level embedding. This is usual word embedding. Word Embedding Input: [ [‘who’, ‘is’, ‘this&rsquo

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory with FastAPI

I try to make a backend server based on fastapi. My backend server works well with almost no errors, but I found an error situation. I allocate two services to

How should the output of my embedding layer look? Keras to PyTorch

I am in the process of translating a Keras implementation to a PyTorch one. After the full conversion my model was not converging fast enough, although the loss

Why detach needs to be called on variable in this example?

I was going through this example - and I have a basic question. fake = netG(noise) label = Variab

How to save information about the result of instance segmentation by YOLACT?

Is there any way to save the detected categories, their number, MASK area, etc. to a TXT file or CSV file when performing instance segmentation using YOLACT? I&

Fine Tuning Pretrained Model MobileNet_V2 in Pytorch

I am new to pyTorch and I am trying to Create a Classifier where I have around 10 kinds of Images Folder Dataset, for this task I am using Pretrained model( Mob

Get the polygon coordinates of predicted output mask in YOLACT/YOLACT++

I am using Yolact ,an instance segmentation algorithm which outputs the test image with a mask on the detected object. As the i

How to calculate unbalanced weights for BCEWithLogitsLoss in pytorch

I am trying to solve one multilabel problem with 270 labels and i have converted target labels into one hot encoded form. I am using BCEWithLogitsLoss(). Since

Use of pytorch dataset for model inference- GPU

I am running T5-base-grammar-correction for grammer correction on my dataframe with text column from happytransformer import HappyTextToText from happytransform

what's the difference between "self-attention mechanism" and "full-connection" layer?

I am confused with these two structures. In theory, the output of them are all connected to their input. what magic make 'self-attention mechanism' is more powe

PyTorch - RuntimeError: [enforce fail at] . file not found: archive/data.pkl

Problem I'm trying to load a file using PyTorch, but the error states archive/data.pkl does not exist. Code import torch cachefile = 'cacheddata.pth' torch.load

Pytorch tensor to PIL image with alpha channel

Using fastai v1, I have a model that transforms an image. When I plot the resulting image with matplotlib, the background is white; ax.imshow(image2np(

How to create a copy of nn.Sequential in torch?

I am trying to create a copy of a nn.Sequential network. For example, the following is the easiest way to do the same- net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(16

CUDA crashes under some certain situation

I am using pytorch 1.8.2 LTS + CUDA 11.1 + CuDNN 8.0.4 under Ubuntu 18.04. It crashes oddly under some certain situation. The problem can be reproduced as follo

CUDA crashes under some certain situation

I am using pytorch 1.8.2 LTS + CUDA 11.1 + CuDNN 8.0.4 under Ubuntu 18.04. It crashes oddly under some certain situation. The problem can be reproduced as follo

pytorch DataLoader extremely slow first epoch

When I create a PyTorch DataLoader and start iterating -- I get an extremely slow first epoch (x10--x30 slower then all next epochs). Moreover, this problem occ

Using PyTorch grid_sample to reconstruct left image from right image and inverse depth

I'm implementing the basic architecture from this paper: in PyTorch. It consists of an autoencoder and Spatial Transformer.

Huggingface distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english runs out of ram with only a few kb?

My dataset is only 10 thousand sentences. I run it in batches of 100, and clear the memory on each run. I manually slice the sentences to only 50 characters. Af

Loss not decreasing - Pytorch

I am using dice loss for my implementation of a Fully Convolutional Network(FCN) which involves hypernetworks. The model has two inputs and one output which is

Loss not decreasing - Pytorch

I am using dice loss for my implementation of a Fully Convolutional Network(FCN) which involves hypernetworks. The model has two inputs and one output which is