The following script moves window from my left monitor to the right monitor (2560x1440 each) win = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() winPlacement = list(win32gui.G
A 'pptx' format file should be able to export to a 'svg' file or some 'svg' files (just one slide to one 'svg' file) in the latest version of PowerPoint(the fun
I am writing output data to excel using pandas. I want to format excel using win32com.client as I do not easier method for this. my code is from some internet
I am currently in the process of creating a script to automate RealTerm. I need to send a binary file and have the Winsock setting set to "Raw". RealTerms docum
i am trying to access the "recipient" outlook object in python 3.9 using win32.clients import, but can only access "recipients". Recipients does not have an "ad
I want to send key down events to game applications using pywinauto. I get the application like this: from pywinauto.application import Application app = Appli
Python 3.8.0 has been recently released (on 20191014, and can be downloaded from [Python]: Python 3.8.0). PyWin32 has builds for it on [PyPI]: pywin32 225 (rele
I am trying to convert a docx file to pdf using the docx2pdf library, using the following code: from docx2pdf import convert convert("generated.docx") As writ
How does one obtain SeDebugPrivilege in Python? I believe both the Ctypes api and PyWin32 are both individually capable of doing it, i don't care which API is u
I'm a complete beginner in python. I want to write a code in python which download a specific file from an specific email (which contains like 3 or 4 excel file
I need to calculate a sheet of interest in excel using python. There is a method to calculate the entire workbook using the following code. import xlwings as xw
With xlwings, I am trying to move a worksheet within a workbook to the end. For example, a workbook contains a collection of the following she