Category "qt5"

Looking for the correct Qt5 mechanism to create an identical sized QGridLayout using a custom widget in the grid

So,I'm trying to build a small app that watches my MQTT server for messages and presents a widget with the MQTT JSON content for every message it sees. The logi

WebEngineView getting text input focus

How can I detect focus on the text field (input) on the webpage displayed using QML WebEngineView? I need this information to display/hide the virtual keyboard.

PyQt5 QTimer in not working after moving it to a thread

I am currently trying to separate my PyQT5-GUI from my serial communication to prevent a freezing GUI. Therefore, I tried to implement threading. So when I am p

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser. I want to add this library on my project. this library .

Can we use multiple stack in Qt's Undo Framework (Command Pattern )

I am having a QgraphicsView which contains multiple QGraphicsItem. I have some features like zoom-in, zoom-out, Hide - Unhide selected item, Undo-Redo. To imple

Unable to get output of a Python script with qprocess

I am trying to get the output of a Python script with qprocess but I can't seem to make it work. I think the issue is with the script since I can get the output

QImage 16 bit grayscale with QQuickPaintedItem

I have unsigned 16 bit image data that I displayed by subclassing QQuickPaintedItem in Qt 5.12.3. I used QImage with Format_RGB32 and scaled the data from [0, 1

QImage 16 bit grayscale with QQuickPaintedItem

I have unsigned 16 bit image data that I displayed by subclassing QQuickPaintedItem in Qt 5.12.3. I used QImage with Format_RGB32 and scaled the data from [0, 1

QPolarChart hide radial tick labels

I have created a QPolarChart and I want to hide the radial tick labels but leave the tick circles. I simply want to get rid of the text which shows "0.0", "20.0

QT: qmake not recognising 3dcore, 3drender

I am using qmake to compile my QT project. In my .pro file I have a line: QT += 3dcore 3drender 3dinput 3dextras When executing qmake I get the

Passing data from Qdialog to main window in Qt

I am trying to pass data from a Qdialog (Login dialog) to my mainWindow after a successful login and was wondering if it is possible to use Signals and slots to

QObject::findChildren() for QML object finding

I have an QML form with QQuickApplicationWindow. I need to get QQuickItem pointers on BaseKey elements of QtVirtualKeyboard (it's implementation is placed in se

qt add a database sql into a project imported from cmake

Normally, to add a database to qt, we would go to the .pro file and add sql, but the project am working on was imported from cmake, so it does not have a .pro f

draw cursor on a QChartView object

I need to draw a cursor on the QChartView object. something like this: Cursor on the Chart Whenever a user clicks on the chart the cursor should be moved th

Yocto toolchain installation with qscxmlc support

Hej Folks. I try to implement a yocto and QT5 based project for a variscite board with QtSCXML support. I got everything run on QtCreator for my Hostmachine (Ub

Get Qt5 up and running on a new Mac

Coming from Ubuntu I bought a new iMac and tried to setup my Qt development. Everything else is already up and running. Xcode command line tools are also instal

Displaying CadQuery data in a QT5 window in Python

I wrote a python program using the PyQt5 libraries. This program I can make into an executable with pyinstaller. I would like to add the functionality to show a

Run button is disabled in Qt Creator

This happens even on a freshly created, empty project. The Run (and also Debug) buttons are disabled for the Qt5 configuration (they're enabled for the Qt4 con

Which is Key_F13

I am developing a program where we need to implement Key F13 but I can't find F13 in keyboard. Can someone please tell me which code belongs to Key F13 in norma

How properly add MacOS Signature & Notarization to .app built with Qt

I have an application (built with Qt / QML) that I am trying to sign and notarize for Ad hoc distribution outside the App Store (it's for internal company use).