Category "rasa"

Does Microsoft Bot Framework Require LUIS For NLU?

In other words, can I use another engine like RASA rather than LUIS?

'rasa shell' does not intiate a chat session as expected

The command 'rasa shell' is supposed to start a chat session in the terminal itself upon its execution according to the documentation. But in my case, it's acti

Need to call custom action when form is requesting for sots

am using rasa 1.9.5. I have a form that gets activated and it will ask for the slots to fill. When it is asking for a slot to fill it's calling utter_slots_name

How to record intents from buttons in Adaptive cards, developed using custom json templates from Rasa custom actions?

Please do suggest if worked with developing adaptive cards from Rasa to MS Teams API: how to record the intent, when a user presses the buttons in the Adaptive

Unable to integrate RASA chatbot to Facebook page

I have created a new app on Facebook and set up messenger and added an existing page. I have put access token, secret, and verify to credentials.yml file in RAS