Category "qtwebengine"

QWebEngineView SOCKS5 proxy with authorization

Is there any way to make QWebEngineView work with SOCKS5 with authorization? I tried connecting QWebEnginePage::proxyAuthenticationRequired signal to my slot, b

WebEngineView getting text input focus

How can I detect focus on the text field (input) on the webpage displayed using QML WebEngineView? I need this information to display/hide the virtual keyboard.

PyQt5: How to set SameSite/Secure headers in QNetworkCookie

I have some Python code which sets a cookie like this: loader = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView() profile = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineProfile("storage", lo

Python PyQT5 WebEngine Segmentation fault Error

I wanted to create an app to download ms store app, it ran fine untill today now when i try to open the site ( pyqt5 window crashes

Passing cookies to QWebEngineView

so I have a python code which converts url to pdf like below import sys from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QTimer fr