Category "quarkus"

Upload Quarkus dependency to Nexus

I have a Java based projects using Quarkus. However, the Jenkins pipeline does not support Maven 3.6.3 to build the project which is a Quarkus requirement. Now,

how to serialize String/null as json in quarkus?

quarkus serialize String as plain string, null as empty body(with http code 204) "foo" -> foo null -> (empty body) how to make it serialize String and nul

How to serve static files from file system with Quarkus

I am running a Quarkus application server (Serving REST via HTTP) behind an ngnix web server. Now I want to serve static content (Flutter web-app) from file sys

Apply complex business logic to Multi object and return a Uni object in Rest API

Inside a rest function I'm making a reactive Postgres Db call which is returning a Multi. My intention is to run a complex business logic on Multi and return a

How to run event sequentially in Mutiny

I am using the Mutiny library within the Quarkus framework in Java 11. I am wonderring which is the best way of running several events sequentially by storing t

Passing quarkus.hibernate-orm.proc.param_null_passing" - dont work : Call Stored Procedure

Thanks a lot for the opportunity.. I will try to pass 2 parameters in my Quarkus rest code, using Hibernate call stored Procedure at oracle database. Unfortunat

Quarkus Auth Server Disable JWT Issue

i wish to disable the auth server when running in dev mode, which I am able to do so with %dev.quarkus.oidc.enabled=false . But it causes an exception given bel

Quarkus : How to disable/mock Vault for unit testing

I'm currently facing an issue with Quarkus and Vault. When I launch JUnit tests, Vault trying to start and it failed because Vault configuration is not setup to

How to change log level in quarkus application deployed on kubernetes

I have a quarkus application with a standard configuration. The application works as expected, in my local develop environment i'm able to set the log level by

javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException:Unsatisfied dependency for type com.test.model.TestService and qualifiers [@Default] in Quarkus

I have created Quarkus project and added a SpringBoot project dependency in build.gradle file, dependency downloaded successfully. Now when I am trying to injec

How to run @QuarkusIntegrationTest in a Gradle project?

I want to run a Quarkus integration test in order to verify OpenAPI yaml generated from the source code. According to the documentation, it should be possible t

Could not find guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar

Could not find guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar on a newly initialized quarkus project, not sure why we see this error. Source code is available here - https://pastebin.c

Resource handler in quarkus

I need a resource handler to serve static resources. I know that to serve static resources I should place them in META-INF/resources. I want to add resource han

Get request body in Quarkus Interceptor

I have written an interceptor in Quarkus based application. @AccessPolicy //custom annotation @Interceptor public class PolicyInterceptor { @AroundInvoke

blocking EntityManager operations

I don't want to perform a blocking operation. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You have attempted to perform a blocking operation on a IO thread. Th

How to set up flyway default schema in Quarkus

I am checking the Quarkus guide for the flyway extension. The default schema configuration is not listed and is not supported. I added in my application.propert

What is the best practice for serve HTML files in Quarkus

I don't want the extension of my HTML files to show up in the address bar like index.html, login.html. Instead, I want these files to be accessed with patterns

Make iterations of a loop sequentially in Mutiny

I am new in the reactive programming world. I am currently working in a Java reactive application using the Mutiny library. I need to develop a loop that waits

spring data extension for quarkus datasource name

I want to use the spring data repositories in my quarkus application with jpa. As long as I use the default datasource and no named persistence unit, I'm able t

How do you achieve Integration tests in Quarkus without @DirtiesContext?

With Spring Boot, I use @DirtiesContext to ensure the database is cleared before each test case. There is no @DirtiesContext annotation with Quarkus AFAIK. Inst