I have a .qmd / .rmd file that wants to show the output of block of code. The code block has a lot of lines at the beginning that I'd like to hide, in the examp
After adding CSS style colour as green The editor is making Heading 1 green but in the RStudio slide Preview, the text followed by Heading 1 is green but not th
I have a book that I am moving from the Bookdown toolchain to Quarto. Very simply, both tools generate a book from flavoured markdown using Pandoc. Pandoc allow
Quarto is designed to supercede Rmarkdown. It supports many languages and offers new features. One new feature is the ability to place citations and other conte
I try to call an R object from Python inside a Quarto document: --- title: "pandas" format: html jupyter: python3 --- ```{r} data("penguins", package = "palmer