Im trying to make a mosaic plot and it currently looks like this. It does not have an axis for some reason even though I have data and added the variables alrea
I am looking for a method that will look at each date in "Date A" and find the next nearest date after that value in "Date B" by ID (group_by). I then want to c
I was trying to get the diagonal of the iris data set and wrote the following for loop: diagonal_list <- list() for (j in seq_len(ncol(iris))) { diagon
I am using R 4.1.2, reticulate 1.22 and text 0.9.50. # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("oscarkjell/text") library(text) temp <- textEmb
I read this article ( about multiple imputation and propensity score matching - here is t
I try to scrape the texts of hundreds of PDFs for a project. The PDFs have title pages, headers, footers and two columns. I tried the packages pdftools and tabu
I am currently struggling with the following problem in R: I would like to use a Cox model with time-varying variables to perform my variable selection via boos
I am using networkD3 in R to display my data (sankeyNetwork function). I ran into several issues that do not seem to have solutions available. Issue 1: If node
I'm using R markdown to create a flexdashboard. I'm having difficulty escaping a single quote in the title of one of my navbar menus. I would like for my menu t
To visualize the results of my linear mixed model (LMM) I would like to plot spagetti plots that track the change in volume1 over time for all participants. I w
I am trying to downsample a list of wave objects using seewave::resamp. To get my list I have imported a .wav file and split it into 10 second clips following @
I have to make a reiterative table that each calculation has to take the previous one. Let me explain, my initial data are: maximum <- 10 minimum <- 2 ord
I have a number of audio files (~5 minutes long). All I need to do is to detect whether someone is speaking or not. It is only one speaker in each file, but the
I want to draw a bar chart with two bars side by side for each category (LETTERS) and add a horizontal line to each bar (y_ref as red lines & z_ref as green
I would like to include several rpivotTables in an rmarkdown HTML output (document, flexdashboard, other options that result in a standalone HTML file are ok; I
I'd like to add a new variable to a dataframe for plotting labels, as seen in the top voted answer here Here's the data: small <- structure(list(Site = stru
In R, Tibetan characters do not display properly when they are located in data.frames: > Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Tibetan") [1] "Tibetan_China.950" > da
I am doing Wavelet Analysis in R using Biwavelet. However, I receive the error message: Error in check.datum(y) : The step size must be constant (see approx fun
I would like to plot a sphere in the following plot: And that is the code for it: library(plotly) fig <- plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~wt, y = ~hp, z = ~qsec,
I am having a hard time to render my footer column in a reactable. I want to use JS here to access the client-side filtered state, and since iam not too familia