Category "random-forest"

Why the sum "value" isn't equal to the number of "samples" in scikit-learn RandomForestClassifier?

I built a random forest by RandomForestClassifier and plot the decision trees. What does the parameter "value" (pointed by red arrows) mean? And why the sum of

ValueError: Unable to coerce to Series, length must be 1: given n

I have been trying to use RF regression from scikit-learn, but I’m getting an error with my standard (from docs and tutorials) model. Here is the code: im

Python sklearn RandomForestClassifier non-reproducible results

I've been using sklearn's random forest, and I've tried to compare several models. Then I noticed that random-forest is giving different results even with the s

sklearn RandomForestRegressor discrepancy in the displayed tree values

while using the RandomForestRegressor I noticed something strange. To illustrate the problem, here a small example. I applied the RandomForestRegressor on a tes

Using sparse matrix in random forest

For efficient memory utilization, I have used “matrix" package in R to create sparse matrix using code: library(randomForest) library(Matrix) documentTe

Get a feature importance from SHAP Values

iw ould like to get a dataframe of important features. With the code below i have got the shap_values and i am not sure, what do the values mean. In my df are 1