Is it possible to train EfficientDet lite model using TPU Google Coral accelerator on Raspberry Pi 4 (64 bit os bullseye)?
from gpiozero import MotionSensor While true: MotionSensor(17).when_motion() print("motion detected") returns error: Traceback (most recent call last
I am using a raspberry pi 4. And I installed a 64-bit (not 32-bit) Raspberry Pi OS. When I tried to install libjasper-dev using the command 'sudo apt-get instal
I have a pipeline that records images on a raspberry pi, converts them to tiff via dcraw, and then estimates the average intensity for the three channels (RGB).
I have a shell script located at "/home/pi/scripts/" but when ever I try to execute it I get a error that the file is not present. the following
I try to enable SSH on my raspberryPi 4. I don't have screen and it's for that I created ssh file (without extansion) in D:boot. When I try to log in I get an '
I am running a python script to capture keyboard input in order to read a bar code reader scanner on a debian 9.0 system, the bar code reader is supposed to wor
I'm trying to get my Raspberry Pi camera to work with my Yocto image. I found here that I need to add the following line: VIDEO_CAMERA = "1" I added it to my m
I'm using raspberry model 3B+ , I made a venv and then tried to install tensorflow but I get these 2 errors ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the r
I am using softPWM from wiringpi library to control linear actuator speed and direction. I have raspberrypi 4b connected to BTN8982TA motor driver which is in-t
I am trying to stall wiringpi in the raspberry for using the GPIO in C but the message says that: "Package wiringpi is not available but is referred to by anoth
I'm working on non-Linux OS and now trying to enable bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 4. I have some necessary drivers such as: gpio, uart (pl011 and mini-uart), mailb
I have this project that combines two data from two different sensors, a TFLuna LiDAR and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, for an Object Detection self driving
I am now writing Python scripts to collect BLE advertising packets near my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Currently, I am using bluepy for BLE scan, but the scanner sporadi
Hello! I am not able to format below code as code lol: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() When doing this; I am getting: Traceback (mos
I'm a beginner here, I'm using a raspberry pi-4 running raspian OS. I'm trying to run sudo openvas-setup but it just fails to connect to over a
I'm making my first HTML page I have tried to do it on my computer and it loaded very fine, but when I do the same steps in my PI the HTML page won't load (i tr
I'm fiddling around with my RPI cluster that I've setup using Kubeadm and I want to make LoadBalancers able to work on the cluster. The IPs for the nodes are st
Currently working on implementing Google Cloud storage on Raspberry Pi. Whenever I run my code, I get the error: TypeError: callback() takes 0 positional argume
I've been trying to establish ssh connection with my raspberry by adding config files (wpa_supplicant.conf, ssh) to boot section of sd card with raspberry OS. I