Category "raspberry-pi"

Problem with rms and dB values of discrete samples

I'm trying to sample pcm-data via the ALSA-project on my RaspberryPi 4 in c. Recording things works like a charm, but tampering with the samples themselves leav

Ubuntu Server 22.04 autologin

Trying to get autologin working for Ubuntu Server 22.04 (Don't worry, this is for a radio project, not an actual server) I have tried sudo systemctl edit getty@

gpiozero.exc.PinPWMUnsupported: PWM is not supported on pin GPIO7 (Raspberry Pi 4B)

I am working on my first Raspberry Pi project while following a course for creating a line-following robot. This is the course. I followed all the instructions

Raspberry Pi Training model using Google Coral

Is it possible to train EfficientDet lite model using TPU Google Coral accelerator on Raspberry Pi 4 (64 bit os bullseye)?

python this gpiozero method is not working right of the bat

from gpiozero import MotionSensor While true: MotionSensor(17).when_motion() print("motion detected") returns error: Traceback (most recent call last

Raspberry pi 64 bit Os showing Unable to locate package libjasper-dev. how to fix this?

I am using a raspberry pi 4. And I installed a 64-bit (not 32-bit) Raspberry Pi OS. When I tried to install libjasper-dev using the command 'sudo apt-get instal

Estimate average channel intensity of a raw images without using dcraw

I have a pipeline that records images on a raspberry pi, converts them to tiff via dcraw, and then estimates the average intensity for the three channels (RGB).

bash: No such file or directory when file is clearly present

I have a shell script located at "/home/pi/scripts/" but when ever I try to execute it I get a error that the file is not present. the following

Enable SSH without screen Raspberry Pi

I try to enable SSH on my raspberryPi 4. I don't have screen and it's for that I created ssh file (without extansion) in D:boot. When I try to log in I get an '

Running keyboard module in python is returning weird characters

I am running a python script to capture keyboard input in order to read a bar code reader scanner on a debian 9.0 system, the bar code reader is supposed to wor

How do you enable the Raspberry Pi camera in Yocto

I'm trying to get my Raspberry Pi camera to work with my Yocto image. I found here that I need to add the following line: VIDEO_CAMERA = "1" I added it to my m

ERROR : could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow

I'm using raspberry model 3B+ , I made a venv and then tried to install tensorflow but I get these 2 errors ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the r

Move Linear Actuators using softPWM wiringpi

I am using softPWM from wiringpi library to control linear actuator speed and direction. I have raspberrypi 4b connected to BTN8982TA motor driver which is in-t

wiringPi installation issue

I am trying to stall wiringpi in the raspberry for using the GPIO in C but the message says that: "Package wiringpi is not available but is referred to by anoth

Bluetooth on raspberry 4 without Linux

I'm working on non-Linux OS and now trying to enable bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 4. I have some necessary drivers such as: gpio, uart (pl011 and mini-uart), mailb

How do I Display Two Continous Data Stream into OpenCV.imshow()?

I have this project that combines two data from two different sensors, a TFLuna LiDAR and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, for an Object Detection self driving

Bluetooth LE Scan in Python on Raspberry Pi

I am now writing Python scripts to collect BLE advertising packets near my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Currently, I am using bluepy for BLE scan, but the scanner sporadi

Selenium Chromedriver hangs at browser initialisation (browser = webdriver.Chrome()) w. Python on Raspberrry Pi3 / or crashes :c

Hello! I am not able to format below code as code lol: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() When doing this; I am getting: Traceback (mos

Openvas Setup Won't connect to

I'm a beginner here, I'm using a raspberry pi-4 running raspian OS. I'm trying to run sudo openvas-setup but it just fails to connect to over a

html page cant be opened in raspberry Pi

I'm making my first HTML page I have tried to do it on my computer and it loaded very fine, but when I do the same steps in my PI the HTML page won't load (i tr