Category "react-native-navigation"

React Native Navigation Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type

I have this problem with react native, react navigation, even with this error the navigation flow is still working. Argument of type 'string' is not assignable

How to set react-native drawer header icon ('Hamburger') to the right side?

I set the drawer right-side, but the hamburger icon, in the screen header, stays default left side, Is there any property to pass through to change position to

React Native Expo / Deep Linking / Universal Link

I am building app using react native, Expo SDK - 41 & react-native-navigation - v5 that serves items to the users How can I create links to be shared betwee

How to set Icon size in react-native-navigation bottom tab bar

I just start to learn RN, but the docs in did not show how to set a tabBarIcon's size, I tried to add an

How to display count of notifications in toolbar icon in react native

I am wanting to create a react native badge count for my app. I have been searching the last week with out any luck. I am wanting to do something like the image

Requiring unknown module "11" error on iOS simulator

When I run the react native project with react-native run-ios.It shows the following error on my iOS simulator.On my android simulator, it is totally ok.I have

How to toggle react-navigation if there is two drawer?

I have spent most of the time trying to find out how to toggle right Drawer with react-navigation Ref? currently, it toggles only with left drawer navigationRef